Essential Oils For Burns

in #food7 years ago

Burns can occur from exposure to the sun, heat, steam or hot liquids. The severity of the burns determines the treatment. A number of essential oils can be used for the treatment of burns and alleviation of pain, inhibition of infection, speed up the recovery process and reduce the scars.
Burns have a range of symptoms like redness, itchiness, swelling, topical pain, peeling of skin, the formation of blisters, etc. Fortunately, essential oils have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and stimulant properties and they can be used to minimize the symptoms of the burns rapidly.

Types Of Burns

Burns refers to the damage to the skin and they are categorized into three major categories.


  • First Degree Burn

The first-degree burn only affects the outer layer of the skin and it is the most common type of burn. It can be painful, turn the skin red and also cause swelling but it heals relatively quickly and does not require special medical attention.

Exposure to hot liquids, chemicals, UV rays, steam and even electricity can cause the first degree burns. In the first degree burn, the surface becomes dry and the skin starts peeling after a few days.


  • Second Degree Burn

The second-degree burn affects the outer layer of the skin and the underlying middle layer of the skin as well. It is also called as the partial thickness burn and causes blisters as it involves the middle layer.

For example, a severe sunburn that causes blisters can be referred as the second-degree burn.


  • Third Degree Burn

The third-degree burn goes beyond the top and the middle layer of the skin. It involves the deeper layers and it can be so severe that it can also involve the underlying muscles. It is referred as a full thickness burn and it causes blackened and white burned skin.

The third-degree burn can cause the nerve damage in the surrounding area and make the skin numb. Due to the disruption of the skin cells, the underlying muscle and fat tissues become highly susceptible to the infections. That's why it needs an urgent medical attention.


Best Essential Oils For Burns


Lavender Oil


Lavender oil disinfects the injury site, soothes burns and reduces the inflammation. Lavender oil possesses anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antifungal, antibacterial, antispasmodic, sedative, analgesic and detoxifying properties.

Lavender oil can be used for any levels of burn including the third-degree burns. As lavender oil also possesses anti-depressant properties, it can calm the patient down and improve his mood. It alleviates pain and promotes a sound sleep that can greatly help in the faster recovery of the burn.


Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is one of the best remedies for the burns. Its anti-bacterial, antifungal, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties make it a great disinfectant and a pain-reliever.

As the tea tree oil is highly potent, you must use it with the necessary caution. You can add a few drops of olive oil or coconut oil to make it gentle for the skin.


Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil has a cooling and refreshing sensation when applied topically. Its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties give instant relief to the burn patients. It also stimulates a good flow to the affected area which helps in the faster recovery.

You can use the peppermint oil both topically and internally to treat the burns. Internal use can stimulate the blood circulation and speed up the recovery process while the topical application is good for pain relief and the anti-inflammatory effects.


Rosewood Oil

The rosewood oil is known for its powerful antibacterial properties which makes it ideal for the protection of burns from the infections. It also stimulates the collagen production in the skin and increases the elasticity that can speed up the recovery process. Rosewood oil can also help in the reduction of the scars from the burns.

You can mix the rosewood oil with an antiseptic oil such as coconut oil or jojoba oil and apply it topically on the burn.


Clary Sage Oil

Clary sage oil is a very potent pain-reliever. The topical application of this oil can quickly reduce the heat and the pain of the burn. It numbs the area around the injury which reduces the urge to itch.

You can use the clary sage oil both topically and internally to speed up the recovery from the burn. For topical application, you can add it with a carrier oil such as coconut oil and apply it directly to the burned area.


Geranium Oil

Geranium oil is very effective for the treatment of burns and guarding against the burn-related infections. A combination of the geranium oil and grape seed extract is a highly potent mixture for the prevention of bacterial infections.

Geranium oil is also known for reducing stress, improving blood circulation, minimize inflammation and speed up the recovery process.


Frankincense Oil


A number of antioxidant and antiseptic compounds in the frankincense oil makes make it an ideal choice for the treatment of the burns. It minimizes the oxidative stress and stimulates the natural recovery system of the body.

You can blend frankincense oil with coconut or jojoba oil and apply it topically for the treatment of the burn. You can also add a few drops of frankincense oil to your bathtub and soothe the pain of your burn.


To Sum Up

Essential oils are effective remedies for the burns. However, it is extremely important to get the severe burns checked by a doctor. As essential oils are highly potent, it is best to blend them with a base oil such as coconut oil to make them gentle for the skin.

If you have a sensitive skin and prone to infections, you should consult your doctor before applying an essential oil on your skin.

