I just usually plant herbs, sunflowers and some marigolds. I use to have a huge garden but I have too many other responsibilities and I'm getting older. Hope you have something good to eat! Much Love, TessAwwww @artedellavita! Get warm soon. It was a beautiful day here in Pa....finally. We did some garden work.
I need some of that right now. Looks great.
Thank you!
I’m super cold right now and this looks delicious and comforting haha I need this now friend!
Hope you and yours are well💜 xo
I just usually plant herbs, sunflowers and some marigolds. I use to have a huge garden but I have too many other responsibilities and I'm getting older. Hope you have something good to eat! Much Love, TessAwwww @artedellavita! Get warm soon. It was a beautiful day here in Pa....finally. We did some garden work.
I love it and i will definitely try it tomorrow! Thank you for a great idea!
What do you think about adding in Gorgonzola?
Will it be too much and change flavor a lot or...?
Thanks @sanja.jovana Yes, You could add a little gorgonzola. It will change the flavor but just be careful not to over power the dish.