Why Street Food is the only available choice for some people
At most times, some does not really have much of a choice because of the situation they find themselves. In Nigeria, street food is one major business that runs and fetches income for people.
This is so because lots of people leaves their home very early to beat the morning traffic so as to get early to work. So they don't really have the time to prepare food for themselves or even their family. And then they close from work at 4pm or 5pm, to get home as late as 9pm or 10pm at night.
Already exhausted, they just want to relax and catch some sleep as soon as they can in preparation for the next day routine. So there is virtually no time to prepare breakfast, lunch or dinner.
So staying healthy is the best way of staying wealthy. Therefore, keep fit! Keep Healthy!As sad as it might seem, some really have got no choice. But i will advise such people to always go for a regular check up on their health. Like @adsactly has rightly pointed out, their are lots of health hazard in this kind of pattern.
Anyways, Just voted you as a witness. Success!!!