30 Days of Indonesia #15 // Serabi Kuah (Apam Kuah)

in #food6 years ago

This following dessert is my father's favorite. When I was younger, my mama used to sell her baked goods at a known mall, called Hero Supermarket, this was in early 90s. One of her product was this dessert.

This is Serabi Kuah. They are like pancake, but served with sweet sauce.


The one I made was not using her recipe though, as my mama used eggs in hers, and I no longer use eggs in my goodies.

Yesterday as I decided to make this dessert, I saw the clock and thought, better not call home as we are 14 H different, and discussing food while fasting is just cruel 🤣

So I surfed the net, to my surprise, majority use rice flour and I did not think my mama used it. Not wanting to mess things up, I dug up old e-mails from my sisters, dated back in 2006 🤣 Just to find family heirloom 🤣 So yeah, hers is with all purpose, egg, and BP, no rice flour.

Later I surfed the net again to see why many use rice flour, apparently serabi is originally from Central Java and it was always with rice flour, although there are so many variations all over Indonesia.

So...I decided to come up with my own 🤣 Mostly because..egg, you know. Regardless which style of serabi, they are all with eggs.

This dessert was so good, wish I didn't have to share! (Fat face 🤣) But once I tried my version, it dawned to me that my pancake was totally different from what I remember. Instead my childhood pancake, I actually made another dessert called Apam Santan 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Which made sense since I used yeast in mine 😅

So back to Google I went and turns out, some people refer serabi as apam, wow, mind blown. So totally different from my childhood for sure, as serabi is pancake while apam is a cakelettes, at least in Borneo, at my parents' house 🤣 Yeah, you know, different islands different customs, and Indonesia has thousands of islands, same name but different goodies and vice versa 🤣


Here is (my)Serabi Kuah which actually is more to Apam Kuah


  • 50 ml lukewarm water
  • 1/2 tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp active dry yeast
  • 1/3 c + 2 tbsp all purpose four
  • 4 tbsp rice flour
  • 1 can of thick coconut milk (love arroy-d brand!)
  • 1 screwpine leaf, knotted
  • 1/2 c of sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • 1 tbsp coconut palm sugar
  • generous pinches of salt

how to

  • bring coconut milk, sugar and leaf to simmer, only until sugar dissolved, set aside to cool almost to room temperature
  • stir in yeast and sugar into lukewarm water, set aside to bloom
  • mix flours and a pinch of salt in a bowl, pour in 150 ml cooled coconut milk, stir to combine
  • stir in vanill essence then pour in yeast mixture, cover and let rest for 15-20 mins




  • meanwhile, mix in coconut palm sugar and salt into coconut milk leftover, bring back to simmer until sugar is dissolved, set aside


  • prepare pan (I used mini serabi pan/dollar pancake pan) on medium heat, brush cavities with a tbsp of cooking oil


  • once pan is hot, pour batter and cook until bottom is golden brown and surface is not wet to the touch
  • serve pancake with chilled sauce or warm, or with added crushed ice


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Semalam maksud hati pingin makan serabi kuah seperti yang mamaku jajakan di Hero Supermarket tahun 90an dulu. Tapi karena resep beliau memakai telur, dan aku sudah 2 tahunan hidup tanpa telur, jadi ngubek2 internet.

Sempat heran kok orang2 pakai tepung beras, seingatku resep mama ga pakai. Karena ga pingin serabi yang dihasilkan ga enak, aku buka2 email lama dr mbakku. Aku ingat di tahun 2006 aku pernah minta kirimin resep serabi seperti dirumah, dan benar, resep kami hanya terigu, telur dan kadang diberi sedikit baking powder

Akhirnya buka internet lagi karena penasaran kenapa rata2 pakai tepung beras. Ternyata dari daerah asalnya, yaitu Yogyakarta, serabi memakai tepung beras. Dan memang sih daerah lain punya serabi kuah yang beragam, jadi jangan protes dulu 🤣

Setelah kupikir2, ku ambil sedikit resep mama dan kugabung dengan ide2 dari internet, yaitu memakai tepung beras juga. Sebagai pengganti telur, pakai ragi. Inilah caraku membuat serabi kuah, seperti berikut ini. Namuuuun, pas akhirnya bisa kuinciipi, malah aku ngakak sendiri, karena serabi kuah ku seperti rasa apem kuah 🤣 Dan kembalilah ke om Google. Ternyataaaaa, daerah2 tertentu di Indonesia, menyebut serabi kuah mereka sebagai apam kuah. Alamaaaak 🤣 Iya lah, kan pakai ragi, tentunya jadi apem, kenapa kok ga kepikir 🤣

Lain ladang lain belalang. Kadang nama sama, rasa berbeda, kadang nama berbeda, rasa sama 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Ya udah deh, nih siapa yang mau ikutan coba, Serabi Kuah alias Apam Kuah, ala Kanada 🤣✌🤣✌



  • 1 kaleng santan kental siap pakai
  • 1/2 gelas gula pasir
  • 1 helai daun pandan, ikat

rebus hanya hingga gula larut, ga musti mendidih, sisihkan, biarkan dingin

sementara itu, campur dan biarkan mengembang

  • 50 ml air suam-suam kuku
  • 1/2 sdt gula
  • 1 sdt ragi kue

dalam mangkuk bersih, campurkan

  • 1/3 gelas + 2 sdm terigu
  • 4 sdm tepung beras
  • tuang 150 ml santan, aduk rata
  • beri 1 sdt esens vanila aduk rata
  • tuang ragi, aduk rata dan tutup adonan, biarkan 15-20 menit (akan mengembang)
  • panaskan cetakan serabi mini diatas api sedang
  • beri sedikit minyak goreng
  • bila sudah panas, tuang adonan dan masak hingga bagian bawah kecoklatan
  • beri 1 sdm gula palem dan sejumput garam ke sisa santan, rebus hingga gula larut, tidak usah mendidih
  • sajikan serabi dengan kuah santan (boleh hangat, boleh dingin, boleh dikasih es juga)

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Sudah lama ga pernah lagi makan apem kuah gini

this is a dessert? this don't look like no dessert kitchenfairy! but if you make it I'll eat it lol. Hey have you ever used Natvia to bake with, the sugar replacement that is keto friendly? It's made of Stevia and Erythritol and supposed to be great. I think you could make Keto donuts with it, I mean with your skill ya know?
also how in the world do you bake without eggs? I thought that was impossible. you're Superfairy!

Yaa ampuun mbaa, Apam Kuah itu Bahasa Aceh lo, lol 🤣

Di Kalimantan juga apam say 😊

Kalo yang ada kuahnya gini namanya surabi jenk di tempatku. Wah ngiler malem-malem liat postingan ini.

wow. they looked so mouthwatering. I should try it out later. I love sweets and desserts.

Keliatannya enak nih ka jadi ngiler😋

Wah pastinya enak sekali itu.. 😋

Yaa Allah,,pagi-pagi buka Steemit langsung lihat ginian,,rasanya gimana gitu....

Ngebayangin jam segini buka puasa nti pake apam kuah ni hmmmm...
Lumer 😋

Thank you @thekitchenfairy. Looks like such a treat :)

That looks yummy, but I wonder if the texture would be off putting for me. There is only one way to find out. What time should I come over to try some ? :D

I have never had one, but, it looks somewhat interesting and I would love to try it! My family loves some of the unique recipes I have found through my steemian friends!


Thanks Aunty Tippy!

wahh apam kuah in Aceh of Indonesia is the special cake at Idulfitri

In the area of sigli (aceh) this food is very popular especially at the time after the harvest, usually the community held an event called Buleun Apam (Month Apam), recently has the city government of Sigli held a Festival Apam. 😍😍

Wow andai ada disana, bisa sampai gendut pipiku pasti 😂

Pasti kk, gendut bersama kita 😄😄

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