Super Good Lemon Cookies (Citrus Explosion)

in #food20 days ago

Happy Sunday, You Guys ❤️

I saw a half tub of sour cream that is super close to it's best date, so I turned it into these soft cookies 😊 They are super lemony, just like how I love it. Using my go to cookie recipe, if you like lemon flavor, give this recipe a try. If you have fresh lemon for the grated peel, even better. I used mandarin peel, hence I call the cookies as citrusy instead lemony cookies 😉


2.5 c strong baker's flour
1 tsp Bsoda
A pinch of salt
Grated of 2 mandarin peels

2 eggs
1/2 c peanut oil
1/2 c sour cream
1/2 c sugar
1 tbsp lemon juice
1/2 tbsp lemon oil (such as Lorann)

2 c icing sugar
2.5 tbsp lemon juice
Orange sugar sanding (or sprinkles/mini beads, or even more grated peels)

Preheat oven to 350 F

In a bowl, mix flour, salt, BSoda and grated mandarin peel


In a food processor, mix sugar, oil, juice, oil flavoring, eggs, and sour cream. Pour mixture into dry ingredients, mix until completely combined




Drop by tbsp in cookie sheet, bake for 8-10 mins. Move cookies to rack


Mix icing sugar and juice, 1 tbsp at a time, until drizzling or dipping consistency

Dip cookies on glaze and sprinkle with orange sanding sugar


Let stand until glaze firming up
