Cherries dessert..can you think of something prettier and more tasty?

in #food7 years ago (edited)


This is so easy..Honestly! this sweet – we call these as I have said before spoon sweets - is actually a preserved sweet. We preserve almost everything. From fruits, to vegetables, even olives!).. whichever country has been through war, or has gone through poverty, or has a climate that urges to be proactive, has such habits in its nutrition.


So, this is one of my favourite sweets. It is sweet and slightly acidic…perfect!


Ingredients: 1kgr of cherries of which you take the seeds out, 800gr of sugar, 2 vanilla powders, or vanilla scent or vanilla stick seeds


In a pot you put the cherries and the sugar and leave them to uniform for a night. Then I put the pot on medium fire for 15’ and skim off the foam while we mix.


I take the pot off of the fire and let it rest. I put it back on medium fire for 10’ and with the two vanilla powders.


The sweet should be ready. Remove from fire, let it cool down and place in sterilised jars.




I have been cooking with your sun dried tomatoes. They are fabulous!!!

I am glad you liked father's work!

I have been cooking
With your sun dried tomatoes.
They are fabulous!!!

                 - onceuponatime

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I have some ready made spoon sweets at home... but do not dare to open the jars because I cannot stop when I start with them...

Me too..but they are lighter than other sweets..

Νοστιμότατο είναι το άτιμο!!!


This is mouthwatering. Love it! 👍👍👍👌👌👌😍

Glad you like it!!!!cheers!

έτσι σκέτο?χωρίς παγωτό καϊμάκι ? :D