500 ml of broth from shrimp or mushrooms
500 ml of water
Softened seasoning :
5 cloves of red onion
3 cloves of garlic
1 turmeric segment
to taste the curly chillies
5 pieces of green chili
The main ingredient :
100 gr of shrimp (washed, boiled and used kaldunya)
1/2 pack of fishballs cut in half
1/4 ounce buttoned iris mushrooms (wash clean and boil with a little salt)
Supplementary material:
1 stem of lemongrass geprek
3 bay leaves
1 orange leaf
Lemon juice or belimbing wuluh (I use today)
1 tablespoon Umamitake
according to the taste of Salt
Wash clean spice and puree ingredients
Saute the finer spices
Enter the main ingredients and stir-fry
Add the stock and mix well
Enter the complementary materials such as: lemongrass leaves, bay leaves, orange leaves and starfruit wuluh then mix well
Add more water and cook until boiling and fragrant
This looks delicious! Thank you for sharing the recipe. Have a great day