It's the summer in Vietnam and many fruits and vegetables are coming into season. One seasonal thing that is now ready to eat is Lotus.
These are the seed pods of the lotus flower. Some of you may have tried lotus tea before but have you eaten lotus before? Please let me know in the comments below.
So how do you get the seeds out?
You tear the pod in half.
Then, you push the seed up and pop it through the pod.
After that, you take off the green skin until it is all white.
Then you pop it into your mouth and chew it until it's gone.
Why do people eat lotus? you may ask. the help you sleep when it is very hot outside. They are a mild sedative and help keep you calm and relaxed.
You can read more about the health benefits of eating lotus here.
You can also cook lotus seeds or use them in desserts, here are some recipes you may want to try.
Peace and happiness from Vietnam! #whalepower @minnowsupport @wthomas
I've never seen this before!
Maybe I can see that if I go VN!
I have applied a program to go & work VN :)
Hi Jake. What kind of program? There are a lot of jobs here if you have some experience and again in August even if you don't have much. Make sure you're getting paid decently and not taken advantage of. Let me know if you can, I've been living here for 9.5 years, I don't know everything but I can check it out if you like.
Great! actually the program I applied is some complex system.
It educate us in University which on Hanoi and after the education, they match us related companies in VN. :)
This program is supported by Korean government & one management association. (It is not sure that I can get in)
but I would like to experience indirectly via your post! (maybe I would ask~)
Do you know what you get paid or what the package is? Where are you from Jake if you don't mind me asking?
I am from Korea. My payment would be paid from the company which want to hire via this program. and this program is running under Korean government's project :)
Oh I see. I didn't realize you were Korean. I lived in Yangsan for 2 years. How much extra do you have to pay for BTC there now?