We all love a healthy food but from now and then we die for a quick fastfood that we dnt have to prepare.Im presenting you a few examples of the weirdest fastfood that really exist and you mostly never heard of them and im 99% sure you didnt eat them.
1.A White Burger
Ingridients:All ingridients are white-bans,chicken,fried cammembert,honey,vinegar marinated onion,mushrooms and chicory.

2.Noodle and rice burger
Ingridients:ramen noodles,rice,lettuce,tofu.Often is served with soup and fries.

3.Burger Darth Vader
Ingridients:Black bans,cheese,tomato,lettuce,beef.
It contains classic burger ingridients and it looks like a burnt and unappetizing burger but its not...its very tasty indeed.

4.A Black Hot-Dog
Ingridients:Classic hot dog ingridients plus bans deeped in a dark calamary souce.

Origin:South Africa
Its made of steaks mostly or ostrich,buffalo,antelope or even elephant meat.The meat is marinated in vinegar,then seasoned with salt,brown sugar,black pepper,coriander and some other african herbs,then its left to dry for a few days.Its very often taken as a jerky meat but its totaly different.

6.Windows 7 Whooper
Origin:Japan,Burger King
Ingridients:1.75 pounds of meat of 7 patties...its huge!