It's not meaningless but you are right, it is being exploited now more than ever. I've heard reports of fracking water being used on organic crops because this was not part of the regulation standard. I know there have been some changes but the industry does need to catch up.
That said, there are still some good vendors out there and staying local also helps. Here's a study show the nutritional value of organics are higher than traditionally grown.
"Concentrations of antioxidants such as polyphenolics were between 18-69% higher in organically grown crops.
Organic crops contained, on average, 48% lower levels of the toxic heavy metal cadmium.
Concentrations of total nitrogen were 10% lower, nitrate 30% lower and nitrite 87% lower in organic compared with conventional crops.
Pesticide residues were four times more likely to be found in conventional crops than organic ones."
They should just make a 'not fucked with" label.
1 vote for lol! I like that but they'd probably throw some bastardized legal definition of the term so it could be screwed with in a multitude of ways much like "natural flavors"
all i can do is think back to the old days where natural ment natural, organic ment organic, male ment u had a penis and girl ment you had a vagina. I wont be surprised if they change gmo to mean "natures way" next.
I mean they have changed literal to now mean figurative, the complete oppsite of the word. Its madness