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RE: [siritable♥시리테이블] Grilled Fish, a Yellow Corvina for my Breakfast 조기구이와 새우계란국으로 준비한 아침상차림

in #food8 years ago (edited)

Wow this looks so fantastic, but it is hard for me to believe that you will eat so much during the breakfast. Well i know the japanese would eat fish and rice during the breakfast and i guess korean as well. Great sharing, i am sure you will be full of energy after eating such a fulfilling breakfast.


@wilkinshui hi~ The picture above is the morning I prepared.
And as you say, I am too much to eat alone. I ate with my husband.
The picture above is a Korean breakfast.
Koreans eat rice, soup, side dishes, and grilled fish or grilled meat as the main menu.
I hope you will fill up the day with lots of energy.