Yes! I'm a believer in trying most things once, well except for balut, don't think I would ever try that.
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Yes! I'm a believer in trying most things once, well except for balut, don't think I would ever try that.
See, I'm learning all kinds of new things here. I must go look up balut now. I've never heard of it. I'll let you know if i would try it.
Last summer my husband and i got to go on a missions trip to Belize. Most of our food was prepared by our host's wife, and it was all delicious. We had the opportunity to try many fruits we've never heard of, and we did, though some of our friends did not. I'm like you, I'll usually try something at least once.
I just read about Balut. My stomach turned a little. But why? I eat eggs. I eat chicken. (I have only had duck once, but would eat it again. ) So why not Balut? I eat sardines. Those have soft bones. I think i would just have to do it and not think about it too much. I don't know! !
For me I think its the beak, the feathers and possibly the feet. I saw someone attempt to eat it once on the Amazing race and I almost retched. @clickinchicken