It is that time of the year. We went outside and got dirt from the side of one of our barns. This dirt is rich and dark because it is a build up and sheep poop. I got carried away a little but remembered to take pictures before I got finished. I am cheap yes cheap and love to save money. So that means I am not like most people when it comes to homesteading. This pan cost $0.88 each at Walmart. They work great for player trays
Here I started by putting 4 rows of seeds and covering with dirt when I remembered TAKE pictures. We started this tray with cucumbers, spaghetti squash, summer squash, and zucchini.
In about and months they will be ready for there cups and guess what that is cheap to. 50 cups for $2.00. the cups will be posted as well and how we use wool to fertilize and water.
Welcome to steemit! If you are ever looking for a group, actually a community, of homesteaders/gardeners/self-sufficient like-minded people, I am the moderator of a group here... also the "un"official ambassador to the group.
let me know and I can post an invite link here for you!
Please do thank you
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Once in the group- the main chat area is the Front Porch. If you have any Q's there is always some one in the room to help you. The Bulletinboard is the channel you can post your own links for promo reasons.