What Thai Food Did I Eat?

in #food8 years ago

I was invited to do a presentation at a friend of a friends home. They are of Asian descent. I was in a rush to get to their house, I hadn't had breakfast yet. I'm used to my bacon, eggs and hash browns every morning. When I arrived, which happened to be right on time. They had food served on the table, with water. And was ready for me to start my presentation. As I began, I got deep rumbles in my stomach. I was suffering from missed meal cramps. Stemming from not having breakfast. I tried to play it off, as I continued the presentation. But it became obvious, from the sounds of my stomach, the dryness of my lips. I was hungry...one of the Asian ladies offered me one of those little Asian treats. I declined politely. And thanked them. She saw the hesitation in my eyes. And began to explain to me what the food was. Me of course "naw naw. I'm fine really.". I was stand off-ish, because I had never seen anything like that before. She told me that their was chicken in the middle. As if that was alluring because I'm part African-American. (Kiddding) Which in turn, really turned me off. Because I was under the impression that the chicken wasn't fully cooked. She asked me had I ever had this particular dish. I answered "No I haven't." Then she insisted that I try one. And that very moment, I didn't feel hunger anymore. Just fear...of how bad this thing was going to taste. At that very moment, a young teenage lady walked into the area we were at. She to insisted that I try this dish. After ear hustling from the next room. So I grabbed a pepper, a piece of lettuce and this thing with chicken in it. I wrapped this chicken thing up with lettuce. And began to put it in my mouth, she stopped me and said "Bite the pepper first." Then eat it.". I put on a brave face, and hoisted the pepper to my mouth. I took a confident bite of the small green pepper. For I am familiar with peppers. Then I took a bite of the small thing that I wrapped in lettuce that had chicken in it. It was so...freakin...delicious! But that pepper, almost burnt my mouth out. But..it complimented the meal so well. I had several of those and continued the presentation. Before I left I was offered a pepper. I gladly accept and I asked "Can I also have one more of those little ball things with chicken in it.". She smiled and said "Yes, of course!". Handed me one and I thanked her very much. As I drove away, and got home. The rest of my day continued. I had remembered that I had forgotten to ask her what was the name of that dish. And to this day I still don't know the name.


I love Thai Food!

The dish is called "Sa-Ku". The real main ingredients really are peanut and a very small portion of chicken or pork :) Love the story, so I upvoted!