Hello my belly munchies :)
You know I am on a LCHF or keto diet but that sea from the last two posts really made me tired so I let myself go a bit and ate like a little pig.
I love LCHF or keto diet but sometimes I just can't think straight and in that times I act like I've never eaten before. I've been eating chips and sandwiches and drank a lot of beer and vine near the costal areas because, well, that's how it goes in my country.
Did not go well for me.. no no XD
Today I had greasy sausages with fried zucchinis and homemade flat bread (it was not that flat bread from India, it was just flat) and drank Checz beer with it because, well, why not.
The other few days I also ate like I don't care and it was ok at the time but I constantly felt consequences from it. I am really bloated and my lids are swolen in the morning. And the level of my energy really went down.
But look at this.
I have periods in my life in which I really take care of my health. Other periods I act like there is no tommorow. Nice... Nice...
I want you to know how proper diet makes your body strong and that lame empty carbs makes it weak. And I also like to know it hhaha :D but sometimes I foget and then my body makes pain and strange noises in my belly. If that is not the proof than what is.
Buuuuut look at this :D
Somebody is going to judge me pretty hard here. But I say go because I deserve it.
I want to go back to LCHF or keto but I'm constantly on my way and lost a routine and will after eating these not so healthy bites. I must return quickly because my body really wants it.
Buuuuuuuuuuuut look at this :P
Ok ok... I will stop with that nasty pictures. I admit I've sinned but not all the way. I was good from time to time and I've felt that I need little detox after several caloric bombs.
All I say is that you need to listen to your body. After you learn that everything will be easier.
I talked to my friend today and she told me that food really afects her mind indirectly. She said that if she didn't ate properly or healthy one day, other day she would feel bloated and weak which made her nervous and grungy. And I must admit that I agree with her.
Now look at this :))))
Cauliflower dough pizza with onion, tuna and mozzarella. Jeez... Healthy af. Love these kind of dishes. I must write a post about my healthy keto tortillas.
And theese little fellows (thank you) beat everything I ate in the last 3 months of my life. I cannot tell you how much I like them and how tasty are they. They were cooked in the wine, garlic and parsley.
I'm trying to eat less and less animal products but I grow in the culture where that is totaly normal and every dish had to have some kind of meat. So I try to avoid bought meat and eat only ones that are hunted or Domestic or local meator something like that.
I must say goodbye now because I have to work and it is already late here on my country. But we have a question waiting :)))
- Do you have any tricks that can help me eat healthy even if I'm on a roadtrip, that isn't expensive a lot?
Thank you so much for your time. I hope you have enjoyed. Have a nice rest of the day.
Steem us to the moon! Cheers :)
nom nom nom, grrrreat post my sis. I'm kinda hungry now :D You need to bring leća with you when u r on road trip :D
Thanks bro!
Great idea, you can bring lentil as a salad or like a soup in the bottle or maybe I'll try to make some dough out of it. Thanks! I forgot about that plant man.
Steem us to the moon! Cheers :)
Wonderful & Delicious...
Thanky thanky steempencil :)
Thank you beautiful...