Daily Menu: fried boiled potatoes

in #food3 years ago

I tried new recipe over the weekend, and it was great. And it was very simple so you don't need to waste ingredients or time, just a little bit of patience. And this time I mean it, it will be just little.
We were having plain boiled potatoes for ages, so I decided to find some other recipe that could enrich if not a texture, than taste. I improved both.

The recipe is very simple, boil potatoes, add salt and a little bit of fine millet flour, mix all together in a smooth paste and then fry it on a hot pan with some oil. If you want neutral taste use the rapeseed oil which has no smell or taste like olive oil.

Fry the small amounts of mixture on sides until you get a fine crust, and until it starts tasting like baked potatoes or French fries. It goes perfect with any dish. But, you will need more time to get the taste and a crispy texture. So, be patient while frying.