1# Coconut oil helps to speed your metabolism.
A calorie from coconut oil is NOT the same as a calorie from olive oil or butter (although these fats are perfectly
healthy too). Bottom Line: Many studies show that medium chain triglycerides can boost metabolism, in one study
increasing energy expenditure by 120 calories per day. (www.healthline.com/nutrition/coconut-oil-and-weight-loss)
2# Coconut oil helps to boost your immune system!
Coconut Oil is jam-packed with lauric acid, which is a natural antibacterial, anti-fungal,
and anti-viral. It is known to reduce candida, fight bacteria, and create a hostile environment for viruses.
3# Coconut oil increases energy, it consists mainly medium chained fatty acids (MCFAs). One
awesome property of these MCFAs is that they get easily absorbed when the travel from stomach to intestinal tract. These
are absorbed and rather than mixing in the blood stream, are transferred to liver and converted into energy. This is the
reason why intake of coconut oil can boost energy levels of our body.
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Great insight, I will try this.
Thank you :)