Drinking diet: Drink and grow thin

in #food9 years ago

As the name suggests, it is easy to guess that drinking diet for losing weight based exclusively on the use of liquid.

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Principles drinking diet

  • The essence drinking diet is that the gastrointestinal tract without
    getting solid food rests simply, leading to a feeling of heaviness of
    the release, as well as extra kilograms.
  • Drinking diet aims at cleansing the body, getting rid of toxins and weight loss.
  • For 7 days Spent drinking diet actually lose up to 5-7 kg of excess weight.
  • There are several types of drinking diets, depending on the fluid, which is the basis and replaces other products for this period.
  • Daily should drink at least 1.5 liters and 1.5 liters of pure water.
  • You can choose to select the menu for the week, depending on their taste preferences.
  • Repeat drinking diet can be no more than 1 time per year.

What you can eat on drinking diet

First and foremost the product - it is water . The most simple, savory and non-carbonated, purified, artesian desirable. It is necessary to drink at least 1.5 liters per day. But for a long time to stay exclusively with water alone is difficult and even dangerous to health. But practicing fasting days on the water 1-2 times a month is acceptable.

Bouillon - vegetable, chicken, beef, fish, home-cooked, not purchased concentrate from the package. You can add salt and bay leaf, but it is better not to pour hot spices, stirring up an appetite.

Milk and yogurt , fermented baked milk, drinkable yogurt and other low-fat liquid milk products without flavorings.

Juices - vegetables, fruit, berry, of course homemade fresh and not purchased in packs. It is advisable to choose unsweetened fruit. But before you go on a diet for drinking juice, you should check whether there is an allergy to a particular product.

Kisel - a thick and rich product is allowed in drinking diet menu.

Compotes and fruit drinks - another kind of nutritional drinks during the fasting for the sake of beauty. They are made ​​from fruits and berries without added sugar.

Tea - green, black, red, berry, fruit, but not necessarily the quality and custard, instead of granulated instant. Drink it should not be sweet, you can add lemon to taste.

On what should be avoided during drinking diet

It is impossible to include in the diet of diet drinking is purchased packaged juices contain preservatives, soft drinks, carbonated water and soft drinks, energy drinks, coffee, cocoa, fat yogurt, alcohol.

Approximate drinking diet for 7 days

In one type of drink consumed throughout the day. The days can be selected at their discretion, for example:

Day 1 - milk or yogurt;

Day 2 - soup;

Day 3 - tea;

Day 4 - jelly;

Day 5 - water;

Day 6 - compote or juice;

Day 7 - juice.

Exit from drinking diet

Getting out of drinking diet, as well as from any other, should be gradual and smooth. It is important not to overeat, gradually adding first light low-fat products, and then more nutrients and fat. Enter in the menu, daily one portion of solid food: for breakfast, lunch, and then dinner.