Food and Health

in #food2 years ago

hey guys! hope you all are doing great!

I was thinking, about how lucky and privileged we are regarding food. I mean, if we're hungry, we just open up our fridges, take out some semi-cooked stuff, cook it within 5 to 6 minutes, and WALA! our delicious food is on the table.

SO tasty with all those preservatives and chemicals !!!

I'm currently in my village and as I told you in my last blog, things here are slow and mostly manual.

but you may have heard that THE FRUIT OF PATIENCE IS SWEET. this quote suits perfectly the food I eat in the village. It takes time to get ready but the final results are out of this world.

people living in many villages have to cook their food using wood. since there is no availability of gas. but when I say that the food actually tastes better than what we cook on gas or electric stove, would you believe me?

and the best thing is IT REALLY IS ALL ORGANIC.

hungry? go in the fields, pick something from the ground, wash it and eat it. believe me, the difference is very much clear.

let me be honest with you guys, I'm a huge foodie. If I had to choose between my brother and fast food. I would definitely not choose my brother and go for fast food without blinking twice.

but ever since I tried homemade pizza, here in my village. I started questioning myself, is it still worth it to spend all that money and add harmful substances to my body if I can get a much cheaper and healthy alternative. and not to mention delicious too.

I'm not saying that we should start on cooking wood and go through all those raise domestic animals and stuff. my main point is, what if we start making things at home, like cheese, bread, etc. I know we will still be using things in the market but I think the food will be much healthy. secondly, we can grow such vegetables and fruits in our houses which are easy to take care of and require much less space.

I'm also planning to do this once I get home with the help of 5 minutes of craft.

all of this stuff goes right away into the food prepared on a daily base and believe me it is amazing.

like, For today we made Allu palak (spinach and potato) with all of the ingredients freshly plucked from the garden. and the taste was heavenly.

so, if you want a healthy lifestyle don't quit on the food you eat, just make It healthy and stop looking for shortcuts.

hope you enjoyed my blog, and remember shortcuts can end up in disasters. hope you all have a lovely day, take care.

**goodbye. **