Steemit Food Challenge # 4- French chicken on a frying pan for 15 minutes !!!

in #foodchallenge9 years ago


- chicken fillet

- potatoes 

- onion and garlic

- salt and pepper

- tomato 

- cheese 

- green herbs


1. Cut fillet into thin slices and fry with a little bit of oil till you get a golden crust.

2. Add sliced potatoes. Fry for 10 minutes without the lid

3. Add finely cut onion and crushed garlic.

4. Fry for 3 more minutes, mix, add more salt and pepper.

5. When potatoes are almost ready put slices of tomato on top, add grated cheese and put the lid on. Cook until cheese melts. Add green herbs and it's ready!

Bon appetite!!!


That looks absolutely delicious! I tried it and it really turned out great; I'm going to make it a part of my cooking repertoire :)

If you'd like to, check out how I make easy and quick ramen:

Thank you!

Nice recipe, I will give it a try, I really like it

Seems delicious!

Your plated presentation looks great. Good luck from a fellow competitor in this week's competition. Upvoted!!

Thank you!!!!!


Seems tasty :)

Thank you!

НУ вот слюньки и потекли, пойду ка я тоже что намучууууу :)

Сами вчера пальчики облизывали)) Вкуснотища!!