
Here is the squash vine after radical surgery and a heavy dose of Neem oil20180824_123424~2.jpg

You know... i have a green thumb running through my veins from my family & i know very very little accept marijuana and tomatoes lol. One vine! Dang! Beautiful. Its like im a deer in the headlights w starting anything : (. That is amazing and keep up the good work/fun/chef :).

Ps have you made any other creations/art recently?

I can understand the overwhelm. I still have a section left to sift out grass roots, and i dont wanna! Lol. (But today the almanac says is the last day for me to get my fall garden in, so up and at em.)

Start small and manageable, maybe one raised bed. One squash vine will hog up half a bed. They like for you to make a 3 foot diameter volcano and plant them in the crater. I know you can do it!

I have been super busy doing chores and can't wait to get back in the studio and make art again.

Much love!

I wish I had kept track of all of the squash I pulled from just one plant! It makes about one or two a day at peak. The aphid farming ants got at it, though, or it would still be pumping them out. I still have three big ones in the crisper!