Legendary Noodles in Aceh #foodinhouse ENG - IND

in #foodies2 years ago

Hello ladies and gentlemen in the C/Foodies Bee Hive community, this time I would like to share a story about a food that is legendary in the Aceh region of Indonesia, namely Mie Aceh.

Mie Aceh is a spicy noodle dish typical of Aceh. Thick noodles with sliced beef, goat or seafood served in a savory and spicy curry soup. The serving method is a little complicated and later I will explain how to make Mie Aceh.

Idn Sub : Halo puan dan tuan di komunitas C/Foodies Bee Hive kali ini saya ingin berbagi cerita makanan yang legenda di daerah Aceh Indonesia yaitu Mie Aceh.

Mie Aceh adalah masakan mie pedas khas Aceh. Mie tebal dengan irisan daging sapi, kambing atau makanan laut disajikan dalam sup kari yang gurih dan pedas.Cara penyajian sedikit rumit dan nantinya saya akan menjelaskan cara membuat Mie Aceh."



Here's how to present it:
1 step
First we slice the shallots, chilies, and tomatoes. The tomatoes are sliced into small pieces
2 steps
then we throw it into a vessel that already has boiling oil, wait about one minute
3 steps
after 1 minute wait fill the water into the vessel and stir a little and wait about 5 minutes.
4 steps
then fill the noodles into the vessel then fry until completely cooked.
5 steps

Idn Sub*
Berikut adalah cara penyajiannya :
1 step
Pertama kita mengiris bawang merah,cabai,dan tomat.tomat yang di iris secara kecil kecilan
2 step
kemudia kita mencampakkan kedalam bejana yang sudah terdapat minyak mendidih,tunggu sekitar satu menit
3 step
sesudah 1 menit menunggu isikan air kedalam bejana dan aduk seidikit dan tunggu sekitar 5 menit.
4 step
kemudian isi kan Mie kedalam bejana lalu goreng sampai benar - benar matang.
*5 step *