How To Make Homemade Condensed Milk Recipe

in #foods7 years ago

Step by step instructions to make Homemade Condensed Milk at home with only 2 fixings. Snappy and simple approach to make consolidated drain inside 20 minutes. When you attempted this formula you will never go for locally acquired dense drain again.


2 container full fat drain

1 container granulated white sugar


  1. In an overwhelming base sauce dish include drain, sugar and let it bubble.

  2. At that point turn the fire on ease back to stew for 30-40 minutes to lessen drain from 2 glasses to under 1/2 mugs.

  3. Another technique is, cook this drain blend on medium high fire for 15-20 minutes or until thickened to wanted consistency, however influence you to continue mixing each 30-40 seconds to forestall consuming.

  4. Kill the fire. Give it a chance to cool totally.

  5. Store in a water/air proof holder.

  6. Use with pastries, egg less cake and significantly more.

  7. Appreciate.



You defined a good method but also define some benefits of condensed milk.


Really the recipe is Appreciated. It was not known how to make Condensed milk at home. Thank you @alamin7

Thank you so much

You made Condensed milk which is canned milk that has been thickened by evaporation and sweetened. Well done

Right fnd

So Sweet but Good
