
Dad's Army springs to mind 🤣🤣🤣

I could see by looking at Twitter and tik tok they were pushing their fakers. I can't even deal with mainstream news and I know Alex Jones is a bit biased or even zero hedge. I had to just figure out that the end game is to get the mark of the beast in everyone and have them bow to Satan. I stopped worrying about getting any type of truth from them because they are the liars who work for Satan.

As David Icke says, know the outcome and you will know the journey. We all know what outcome they are seeking. The war is on US.

Great info - its easy to understand why the powers thats NOT supposed to be want all this - they need their slaves to be..., well slaves. They need an excuse to finish their great reset where they want all the slaves to own nothing and be happy. Digital ID is the new modern chain!