Congrats mr what stank ! Final score: 97.81-96.72 π«
I'm on the road for a few days but will do the math and send out the payouts soon, when I'm home.
Everyone will win at least a tiny bit for the participation portion, and stank wins most of it and I win a prize for 2nd and Horse wins a prize for 3rd.
GG bud, look forward to next year!
Ya we'll def do it again!!!
We will get you next year ok! We will destroy you all!
So get ready to get annihilated!
LOL j/k good win buddy- even though you did get a little lucky! LOL j/k again π€
ahahaha I just saw this comment now πππ
damn it bugs me how steemit comment trees work, I feel like there has to be at least one or 2 GOAT Ras comments that I totally missed
how the hell did you eveb find em haha!!!!
bahah.. cause I was going down the thread looking for the people who played last year or who wanted to but there wasn't space and being like "ayo, fantasy football again this year!"
oh this was the finals thread right.. sort of the same answer, but i was actually looking for @enahsgeaux and then messaged like "YO CHAMP U PLAYING??"
we need the champ to return