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RE: No More NFL Due to Kneeling During the National Anthem - Donald Trump

in #football7 years ago

I will post another thought to my own post. Based on some strange 911 post, a post that I responded to often, I tend to think the political leaning of most folks on Steemit are left wing liberals? Perhaps I have not read in other areas on this board that change my thinking. However, if you are reading this post, do you agree with me dropping out of all NFL activities because of the NFL owners allowing the kneeling to occur? Left wingers, right wingers, or just as you are; Let's see.


I dont agree but not because im a left wing liberal but because the atrocities committed in the name of that flag are many. It no long represents what it used to....Look up some statistics on america and find out just how free we arnt. Cant fish hunt go into national forest without uncle sam getting his cut. We are not the great nation we once were and people should be allowed to express their displeasure with how things are going racially economically politcally etc etc etc and what a better stage than a nationally televised one?

or heres some questions you may feel strongly on

Why are we still in afghan after every president has said we are getting out?

Why do we give Israel billions of dollars?

Why are there 8 people in the world worth as much as everyone else?

There are bigger things than the statist bullshit that plagues our country.

If you enjoy football watch it.

But more importantly before you go back to football think about this quote by George Orwell and look at the world around you.

So long as they (the Proles) continued to work and breed, their other activities were without importance. Left to themselves, like cattle turned loose upon the plains of Argentina, they had reverted to a style of life that appeared to be natural to them, a sort of ancestral pattern...Heavy physical work, the care of home and children, petty quarrels with neighbors, films, football, beer and above all, gambling filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult.
George Orwell, 1984

The results of the atrocities you refer to, altough you didn't provid any specifics, are what allows you an I to have this exchange. Try talking about your country in China. Forget having an opinion in North Korea. Do you think Sadaam tolterated opposing opinions? What do you think these country leaders would do to their people if they knelt during their anthem? So your freedom today is the result of what you call atrocities, something a left wing liberal would say. You are definitely a liberal.

You use fishing and hunting that has rules as an argument? These rules are in place to keep people like you from killing every animal there is and taking every fish there is. We pay for licenses to fund the people enforcing the rules. The applicable rules, except for rules that apply to Native Indians, are to protect the resources; Otherwise there would be anarchy and the resources would be killed out.

I could address each issue you throw out, but you attempted to answer my question with questions about other subjects without even attempting to address my question. How about using your own words and quotes to support yourself. Perhaps quoting from the founding Fathers would be in your favor.

No, I don't like football anymore. Donald Trump was correct. That's why viewership is going way down. I'm one of the former viewers helping the statitics go down. Listen to his short speech: