Don't try to publish more than 4 articles per day, as you'll get diminishing rewards for all the extra posts that you make as punishment - just like a soccer penalty! Don't be a bad boy or girl! Don't be a spamming bot machine!! BEHAVE!
(OK, that's my 4 articles done for the day :)
Hello, sports fan...
Sorry to bother you, but I think you will love this! This is info on being a free player for this amazing live sports app, message me there and I will send you info on being an affiliate...
(I will delete this post upon request, if you are not able to yourself)
Got it buddy. Thanks for sharing the info @mindhunter
One minnow vote for yeh.@pierce-the-veil: Yes good to know. Thanks @mindhunter.
Thanks guys - 4 articles a day and curate to death seems to be the way forward here!
And how is that working out for you so far?
If your good articles are earning 0 to just a few cents should some extra penalty on that stop you from just saying what s on your mind or writing another good post today?
I don't think his articles are good - its just padding and words whilst he curates the site to death with bots!
@lynchiandream - I'm coming to curate all your articles to death! LOL! Thanks 4 all the comments guys!