My plans huh...???
Lets just say I expect alot of CARNAGE to take place and @frankcapital wants to be that DEALERSHIP of @nextcolony SHIPS to be ready for DEPLOYMENT as a SERVICE all across the @nextcolony GALAXY!
So get your SHIP ORDERS in first!
Posted using Partiko Android
Great, you will be the founder of @nextcolony Market! True?
Posted using Partiko Android
Well I don't know about that...
But would like to know that I can provide a FAST & RELIABLE SERVICE for the @nextcolony GAMERS.
Posted using Partiko Android
What is the price for every ship
Posted using Partiko Android
Depending on what SHIP and HOW MANY.
Just let me know what ship you would be interested in so @frankcapital can START BUILD ASAP!
Posted using Partiko Android
So if you have some transporters ready!
Posted using Partiko Android
Which would be MOST INTERESTED in?
That mean we can't produce transporter2 and transporter3 ?
Posted using Partiko Android