Man poison ivy is the WORST. I thought I was immune then spent a day pulling it out of the ground. Guess how that went?
I learned afterwards that, unlike most things, people lose their "immunity" the more they are exposed to it. So if youve never had it, best to still keep away and hold onto that immunity.
Another fun fact is that goats LOVE to eat PI and it is harmless to them (nutritional in fact). I used to think about starting a goat rental business for folks in you situation. No joke!
So if you have a buddy with a goat, see if you can loan it for a few hours :)
That is how my wife got it the first time too! She was sweating and kept wiping her face with her hands , not good! It is systemic know in her! Thanks for the advice @adventureevryday ! I will consider that.
Oh no, poor girl! That's a recipe for disaster.