You drop the lockbox and go running and screaming out of the house. While it sounds like the wooden carvings are chasing after you they never leave the front steps of the house. Leaving you feeling somewhat safe if you don’t make another attempt to get back into the house.
Once off the property, you realize the rental car is just sitting there with exhaust spewing out of the back pipe. Not only did it have a full tank of gas the driver-side door was already open waiting for you to jump in.
You drove at such a high rate of speed you could have sworn the moon was going backward in the sky and it turned into the middle of the day. With the sun shining so bright you could barely see the road.
Weeks later you are still struggling with the events that occurred in that house so you go and seek professional help. You are told you appear to be suffering from some kind of short-term mental break. None of it happened and we were given a choice of different perceptions to try and cope with things.
You never did quite forget what transpired. A part of you wishes you had made different choices. Perhaps things would have ended differently? The other part of you is glad you got out when you did who knows how bad things could have gotten.