As I already wrote, I participate in the project "Cindicator". In this article, we consider the factors that accompany success more broadly. The essence of the project is that you make a more or less plausible forecast for the price of the cryptocurrency, I appreciate futures and many other things, and for this, in the case of a successful forecast, you get a small reward in the form of CND tokens, which are easy to withdraw. Registration and familiarization with the project does not take much time. I liked the fact that the forecast results were not long to wait – in other cases a week, but usually 1-2 days and I was able to compare their ability of foresight. At first, my performance did not exceed 50%, i.e. in half of the cases I guessed, and in half I did not guess the outcome of the event. Then I took up the question - how to improve their predictive knowledge, their predictive qualities, or in the language of religion - insight. Shoveled for a week is a lot of literature I have made the following conclusions. So, let's imagine our forecast as a very simple graph - F (x)=y. This very simple example shows that the dependence of "X" on "Y" is straight and if it is represented on the chart as a small piece, the next period of predictions will be very easy to predict – because the function F(x)=y is a straight line at an angle of 45 degrees to the coordinate axes. And what if the projected graph is a broken curve, with smooth curves, then falling, then flying up? A little theory. What determines the UPS and downs of the schedule? I highlighted the main:
- from news-rumors, including from leading analysts.
- from the new year’s festival (Chinese, European and others).
- unpredictable factors.
- on vacation in the summer money is spent, and in the fall invest, for example, now in euros.
- from speculators.
- from ICO, merger of companies, disclosure of results of reporting, etc.
- from my personal passion or from the desire of the crowd to snatch.
You can take into account all of the above and add my God's inspiration – ie intuition. The question arises how to increase it? What about the struggle between logical (analytical forecast) and intuitive feelings? This article discusses the development of neural connections of the brain, the disclosure of its intellectual potential with the help of combat gymnastics Kadochnikov.
The fact is that, performing morning exercises, we awaken the body as a whole, encouraging it to work most effectively. Well, if you are in the office and cannot leave the building, then this gymnastics is just for you. So, the first thing I pushed objects and elements of the room environment on its perimeter so that there was a free space of about 2 to 4 meters. The most complete martial gymnastics Kadochnikova consecrated on the website and in the book Tertychnyy A. N. "4x4 or overclock your engine. Step by step guide to the basics of martial arts style Kadochnikova 1 book " given its elements. I have chosen those exercises that can be done in the shortest time, although the time can be increased to 25-30 minutes. So, 1) hand Twisting – 1-2 minutes, 2) exercises "birch" 1-2 minutes, 3) exercise "curve step" 1-2 minutes, 4) a series of 4 types of somersaults forward, backward, hands together and apart respectively 6-8 somersaults in all variations (4), and 5) exercise "balance stick". It will take about 15 minutes. After that, feel free to get to work-will be provided with blood flow to all (including remote) parts of the body, which will improve the heart and internal organs, improve the vestibular apparatus and cerebral circulation. And also get a valuable combat skill and make the first important step on the way to virtuoso control of your body. Exercises 1-3 are leading exercises to perform somersaults – it is through them that we enrich the brain with oxygen, removing unnecessary information from the peripheral departments. The last fifth exercise will develop the skills of psychomuscular coordination and psycho-emotional stability.
Just psycho-emotional stability also gives the chance without hesitation to choose one of several options of the forecast, minimizing the passion.
I think that we are at the beginning of the life of cryptocurrencies...It will take another whole cycle-about 10 years before we can fully enjoy and enjoy the advantages of cryptocurrencies, but for now - the stormy ocean of nascent life!