Hindsight 20/20

in #foresight4 years ago

I had my first eye exam at the end of 2020, and got my first pair of glasses in early January of 2021. I found it appropriate that this last year was rounded off with this, and having that confirmation that my eye sight wasn't quite as good as it once was.

Last year certainly ended with some amazing crypto gains, but of course one always has hindsight 20/20 in thinking about what could have been had one made some different choices just a bit earlier in the year. Dwelling on hindsight is always bleak, so developing better foresight is definitely the way forward.

Now that I can see clearly though, I am opticmistic about joining the Hive community, and seeing what Web 3.0 has to offer. I’m also excited to see whether my friends from other corners of the legacy web will make the change and move on over here with me!
