Hi honorable steemian friends, may we be in good health without any shortage of one thing.
Wrapped, so many living habitats, plants and animals, they live in forests and breed, animal life is more fun Being out of the forest.
But on 16/04/2018 it was reported from abroad that there has been a great forest fire, touched the heart sadly, in the forest we must know so many animals.
How is the beast, what happens to the animal, that the animal must have come out of the forest and sought the safety of his life, after coming out of the forest, whether he can be saved from danger or obstacles, we do not know how it is going.
Stefan friends, forests are very important for creatures, from humans, plants and animals, so we must safeguard the ecosystems of forest growth, we must safeguard and conserve forests, so that forests are protected and their habitats are maintained.
Let a steemian friend, we must unite to preserve the forest.
by @rudirach
Hai teman steemian yang terhormat, semoga kita dalam keadaan sehat selalu tanpa ada kekurangan satu hal apa pun.
Dihutan, begitu banyak habitat yang hidup, tumbuhan dan binatang, mereka hidup didalam hutan dan berkembang biak, kehidupan binatang pun lebih senang Dihutan dari pada diluar hutan.
Tetapi pada tanggal 16 / 04 / 2018 diberitakan dari luar negeri telah terjadi yaitu kebakaran hutan yang sangat hebat, membuat hati tersentuh sedih, didalam hutan tersebut pasti kita mengetahui begitu banyak binatang-binatang.
Bagai mana kabar binatang tersebut, apa yang terjadi dengan binatang tersebut, yang pasti binatang tersebut keluar dari hutan dan mencari keselamatan kehidupannya, setelah keluar dari hutan, apakah dia bisa selamat dari bahaya atau rintangan, kita tidak mengetahui bagai mana kabarnya.
Wahai teman steemian, hutan sangatlah penting bagi makhluk, mulai dari manusia, tumbuhan dan binatang, jadi kita harus menjaga ekosistem pertumbuhan hutan, kita harus menjaga dan melestarikan hutan, supaya hutan terlindungi dan habitatnya terjaga.
Mari teman steemian, kita harus bersatu untuk menjaga kelestarian hutan.
by @rudirach
Thank you for visiting my blog, hopefully steemian friends happy with my post.
Have a nice day
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thank you for visiting, i'm so happy @isaharkhanommi is here
Forests play an important role in the purification of the atmospheric air. During the day, trees and plants absorb carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and give out oxygen. As such, they help in the purification of the air that we breathe. Forests thus serve as an instrumental tool for reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses in the environment which are responsible for global warming.
it is very true @arvoter, so let us together to preserve and preserve the forest, best regards me