I have been trading forex for about 3 years now and i am just getting to the point where i am starting to see an increase in account . I am not getting the trends i would like, so my profits are smaller than what they should be in order to work at a bank. In december of 2017 i thought i could start to see profits within 3 months. December i did well and i did well up till the end of Jan where i had a couple of really bad days. Those days were 100% preventable and all the fault lays with me. I also have some scheduling issues that keep me from trading at all hours of the day.
I just closed out my platform for today and i think i had a little over 125 pips. My goal would be 200-300 pips a day and of course days with large movement from the news I would like to see more than that.
I dont remember exactly what happened on my bad days, but I do remember one trade i went right into profits and then sat back as it went against me. I could have closed the trade several times and i just really dug myself into a hole. It was so stupid. I should have been more focused and blocked out the distraction online and around my house.