I was told today that indeed it is widely known that to become classified as a professional in the foreign exchange, currencies and commodities market.
Well if that be the standard I’m in!!!
Let’s do the math:
10,000/40 work weeks = 250 weeks
250/52 wks. in a year = 4.81 years (roughly 5 years)
10,000/60 work wks. = 166.66 weeks (I like trailing my sixes)
166.66/52 wks. = 3.2 years
10,000/80 work weeks (11-hour work days, just like farm labor. Great checks too) = 125 wks.
125/52 wks. = 2.4 years
So, depending on my level of dedication, I can earn that title in about 2 ½ to 3 years. Of course, 11 hours a day in front of a computer screen looking at charts can drive you made. The outcome is well worth it. I did it for the State, minimum wage, seasonal, and I stuck it out. Ok it wasn’t exactly 11 hours, more like 9, minus lunch, and breaks of course.
But at the end of the day, not to include the amount of time that I’ve already put into these charts. It’s safe to say that I’ve already made up my mind about committing to this endeavor known as forex trading.