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RE: Community Forks - Theory vs. Practice

in #fork3 years ago

I love decentralization, but if anyone wants to create his private centralized space (inside our decentralized ecosystem) didnt see why is something negative. I mean, its a matter of choice. Centralization also have some strong sides that descentralization lacks, and the other way around (descentralization of course is indisputably better) but vertical organizations and corporative policies also have his own advantages.

As everything i believe the common ground is always the best choice, whatever tribe wants inside, but in a descentralized enviroment.

Freedom is the best choice, but it has to remain as a choice!


Agreed, layer 1 must be decentralized enough to be censorship-resistant. Layer 2 and tokenized assets can be centralized or decentralized; it doesn't matter because tokenized assets are not protecting the integrity of the blockchain they are built on. Building a token on a decentralized blockchain saves you all the headache of protecting the integration of the data. It allows you to tokenize securely, any way you see fit.

Totally agree, and the transparency is also key! The posibility of audit and track activity, and know where the money comes, and more important, where it goes!

Altough sometimes i see something that makes me noise, when different interfaces are created, the branding on Hive is lost.

The network provides the structure and it is not even mentioned, which weakens Hive and consequently the stability of its own projects. Today you can google "Hive blockchain" and first links are of weird suspicious projects.

We are free in the blockchain. Yet we don't own anything but a set of cryptopasswords.
We just have freedom because some technology owner give us the possibility.

In this athorization we can live "free". We are. And this is great.

But it's limite to the existence of this space.

If you think of what ownership actually means, my definition of it is something that can't be taken from you. Do you really own your house if someone can take it from you? Your gold, that was taken by force many times. Just because we hold something does not really give us immutable ownership of it. However, with crypto, all you need to do is memorize a string of words; that's something no one can take from you. So for me, true web 3 account ownership is the highest form of ownership one can have.

And I totally agree with this concept. That's why I'm here once discovered all of this.
What I mean is "even in web 3.0 a user has limits" (I can memorize my string of words, but the owner of the switch is not me)(I can't control any server, any code, any source of energy).
I'm free inside Hive. so as you say "is the highest form of ownership one can have"...I agree.
The user is free in his own digital identity, and this is the great value in Hive, in my opinion, that generates a cascade of benefits.
A token for every digital identity, marketable, with a value that represents the user itself.
And we're not even strictly talking about currency anymore.