
This is a startup idea I've been sitting on for a while. Provide an open kitchen/dining area, with state-of-the-art equipment and easily accessible ingredients, and allow people to cook there for a fee. Not sure what's the best way to set up the pricing (charge for the space/equipment, the food, both, neither...?). Have recipes on-hand with all requisite ingredients and equipment. Encourage people to invite large groups and charge per plate, allowing the chef to offload the cost of the space and make a tidy profit. Social cooking/the bakerspace.

This would be great for people trying to sell baked goods too - in most states you have to bake in a USDA-certified kitchen to be able to package & sell to the public. The expense of such a kitchen is one of the big holdups for small entrepreneurs.

Bakerspace! I love it :D

Thanks. :) Another name I've thought of is "Snackerspace"

and a window sill with plaid curtains to let the pies cool with a local raccoon that's always trying to snatch em as a running gag.

Ah, interesting idea. I'll pass it along and bring it up in our next meeting. Thanks.