- For every 10 posts made by @haejin, 6 will be 100% power up, 4 will be default 50/50 rewards
- No more flags between either party or associates
- No more scam accusations by either party or associates
- No more comments or comment spam by either party or associates
Moving on for the community.
(any negative comments against either party on this post WILL be flagged - no bullshit)
good to see the war ending :)
@kingscrown just keeping to himself...killing it on the upvote
Me too :)
Thank god that you have resolved this war. I think that the network can only prosper if arguments are allowed to be exchanged, fights can happen but peace is finally reached again.
The more money @haejin makes, the more butthurt @berniesanders gets!
Make sure you upvote @haejin so that communist snowflake @berniesanders gets even more major butthurt!👌
Communist loser @berniesanders raped his cucumber so hard that it got stuck up inside her anus! The butthurt was so severe, she resorted to doctoring images, thereby committing fraud, in orded to attack and slander @haejin!
Proof is shown below:
@berniesanders @preparedwombat @randowhale <- bitter communist losers who target and harrass conservative truth tellers on Steemit.
The more money @haejin makes, the more butthurt @berniesanders gets!
Make sure you upvote @haejin so that communist snowflake @berniesanders gets even more major butthurt!👌
Communist loser @berniesanders raped his cucumber so hard that it got stuck up inside her anus! The butthurt was so severe, she resorted to doctoring images, thereby committing fraud, in orded to attack and slander @haejin!
Proof is shown below:
@berniesanders @preparedwombat @randowhale <- bitter communist losers who target and harrass conservative truth tellers on Steemit.
The more money @haejin makes, the more butthurt @berniesanders gets!
Make sure you upvote @haejin so that communist snowflake @berniesanders gets even more major butthurt!👌
Communist loser @berniesanders raped his cucumber so hard that it got stuck up inside her anus! The butthurt was so severe, she resorted to doctoring images, thereby committing fraud, in orded to attack and slander @haejin!
Proof is shown below:
You are here talking shit on a "truce" post.
I'll guess this won't last long
It is as always if a war ends - some people will just not want to accept that it is over and keep on fighting. But this never leads nowhere except their own personal sorry...
The more money @haejin makes, the more butthurt @berniesanders gets!
Make sure you upvote @haejin so that communist snowflake @berniesanders gets even more major butthurt!👌
Communist loser @berniesanders raped his cucumber so hard that it got stuck up inside her anus! The butthurt was so severe, she resorted to doctoring images, thereby committing fraud, in orded to attack and slander @haejin!
Proof is shown below:
@berniesanders @preparedwombat @randowhale <- bitter communist losers who target and harrass conservative truth tellers on Steemit.
The more money @haejin makes, the more butthurt @berniesanders gets!
Make sure you upvote @haejin so that communist snowflake @berniesanders gets even more major butthurt!👌
Communist loser @berniesanders raped his cucumber so hard that it got stuck up inside her anus! The butthurt was so severe, she resorted to doctoring images, thereby committing fraud, in orded to attack and slander @haejin!
Proof is shown below:
@berniesanders @preparedwombat @randowhale <- bitter communist losers who target and harrass conservative truth tellers on Steemit.
Why are you still spamming this?
The more money @haejin makes, the more butthurt @berniesanders gets!
Make sure you upvote @haejin so that communist snowflake @berniesanders gets even more major butthurt!👌
Communist loser @berniesanders raped his cucumber so hard that it got stuck up inside her anus! The butthurt was so severe, she resorted to doctoring images, thereby committing fraud, in orded to attack and slander @haejin!
Proof is shown below:
Glad to see that even in steemit one could come up with peaceful conclusion
A good news and a awesome agreement I find worth resteeming
glad to look that even in steemit one should provide you with peaceful conclusion #stoptheflagwar an amazing news and a excellent agreement I locate worth resteeming
Forgot to decline rewards, all, including SP equivalent will be burned to the "null" account.
How about donating it to SteemCleaners
Not a bad idea. Thanks for your help with everything.
Hate to see it go to waste, there are good causes it can go to.
It's never really wasted. Burns make all remaining Steem more valuable.
That being said, I like the idea of donating to SteemCleaners.
how about also donating some to the new babies like me @smokeasare165 and others whose account and reputation score was damage..please that is my harmless opinion
Thanks for the good fight legend and finally it paid off.
What witnesses do you recommend and I vote for the great work you have done.
The more money @haejin makes, the more butthurt @berniesanders gets!
Make sure you upvote @haejin so that communist snowflake @berniesanders gets even more major butthurt!👌
Communist loser @berniesanders raped his cucumber so hard that it got stuck up inside her anus! The butthurt was so severe, she resorted to doctoring images, thereby committing fraud, in orded to attack and slander @haejin!
Proof is shown below:
Bots clearly didn't get the memo.
The more money @haejin makes, the more butthurt @berniesanders gets!
Make sure you upvote @haejin so that communist snowflake @berniesanders gets even more major butthurt!👌
Communist loser @berniesanders raped his cucumber so hard that it got stuck up inside her anus! The butthurt was so severe, she resorted to doctoring images, thereby committing fraud, in orded to attack and slander @haejin!
Proof is shown below:
Can't we get rid of these bots?
Dude, have you heard? Its peace time now.
Its a bot
I second this idea.
Second This.
The more money @haejin makes, the more butthurt @berniesanders gets!
Make sure you upvote @haejin so that communist snowflake @berniesanders gets even more major butthurt!👌
Communist loser @berniesanders raped his cucumber so hard that it got stuck up inside her anus! The butthurt was so severe, she resorted to doctoring images, thereby committing fraud, in orded to attack and slander @haejin!
Proof is shown below:
The more money @haejin makes, the more butthurt @berniesanders gets!
Make sure you upvote @haejin so that communist snowflake @berniesanders gets even more major butthurt!👌
Communist loser @berniesanders raped his cucumber so hard that it got stuck up inside her anus! The butthurt was so severe, she resorted to doctoring images, thereby committing fraud, in orded to attack and slander @haejin!
Proof is shown below:
They made peace sheesh!
Flagged at minimal levels. Please take this elsewhere now that an agreement has been reached.
Or you could donate it to flag rewards program.
Suggestion: I definitely appreciate the ethics in declining rewards but I suggest they are donated to the SPL.
While one could argue that @tuck-fheman did participate to the war, that was as an individual and not as SPL leader. The SPL, a community project, did suffer as collateral damage.
Congrats to all parties on finding an agreement which works for all.
I've already offered to take care of any rewards that were lost during this.
Awesome, man! Thanks for that (I don’t play) and for everything you do for the community and for your continued willingness to face and front each possible flame war.
You are a vital pillar of the Steem community.
I am glad an agreement has been reached. Too many innocent accounts have suffered from this flag war.
The more money @haejin makes, the more butthurt @berniesanders gets!
Make sure you upvote @haejin so that communist snowflake @berniesanders gets even more major butthurt!👌
Communist loser @berniesanders raped his cucumber so hard that it got stuck up inside her anus! The butthurt was so severe, she resorted to doctoring images, thereby committing fraud, in orded to attack and slander @haejin!
Proof is shown below:
Burn it to promo instead.
i knew @berniesanders had a good heart in the end
He's secretly an AI...
I can see that there is a lack of consensus in decided what to do with the payout of this post. Therefore, by default, all proceeds shall be deposited as BTS into the Bitshares account of "winston-wolfe333" via Blocktrades, where it will remain indefinitely.
Lets see I bet your associates flag this with in 5 seconds
The more money @haejin makes, the more butthurt @berniesanders gets!
Make sure you upvote @haejin so that communist snowflake @berniesanders gets even more major butthurt!👌
Communist loser @berniesanders raped his cucumber so hard that it got stuck up inside her anus! The butthurt was so severe, she resorted to doctoring images, thereby committing fraud, in orded to attack and slander @haejin!
Proof is shown below:
@berniesanders @preparedwombat @randowhale <- bitter communist losers who target and harrass conservative truth tellers on Steemit.
GO FUCK YOURSELF @berniesanders!
Commie loser got massive butthurt from extremely popular @haejin.
Dude... Peace time remember?
Whaaaattt???!! Bernie, what happened to you? Doesnt matter what happened, thank you:) This sounds like an actual fair agreement and I HIGHLY suggest that people follow some of @haejins recommendations, he is making his followers $$millions!
He might be making them money but his followers do not strike me as people with enough money to make "millions"
Just make sure you buy into all his calls with all your money
Well I'll be honest. He's made me 1000%+ profit. not just blindly following, but incorporating his TA into my decision-making and research process
As did anyone investing in alts the past 2 months
Heyhey! You nailed it! I started with crypto in June and have also recorded some 800% profit, but that was going in relatively blind. People are giving too much credit to analysists over the past few months - everyone made bank.
Same. I could have put alts on a dartboard, got drunk, spun in circles, AND spun the dart board in circles, and hit coins that did 100% growth in a week or two.
My portfolio is up over 500% from 2 months ago.
And trust I am no technical analysis guru, nor do I follow the "expert calls" (read; guesses)
What a judgemental (and wrong by the way) comment. In totaling it up, he has assisted in making his followers millions - this is a fact. And, LOL you can stay poor if you want to, this is a choice.
P.S.No one in their right mind will announce publicly exactly how much money they have made on their investments if it is a large amount. Even bernie keeps this private. As for me, I use his analysis as guidance, because he has been extremely accurate. He has helped me to profit greatly. Yes the alt markets have been good, but his assist with the timing has been key. I do suggest looking a little more deeply into the value of his blog. He will be getting a very large tip from me soon:)
Take a look at my wallet vs your wallet and let's have a pissing match of who is "poor".
unjustified flag. bully tactic. I dont need to look at your steem holdings,lol.
Yes you are a little bit poverty stricken... with meanspiritedness.
Learn to not be entitled to your pending payouts.
I decided to downvote because you are constantly self voting your own comments in a thread that isn't really adding much insight to anything.
Your pending payout is a pending payout. It takes 7 days for the network forces of upvotes/downvotes to take place.
Basically, you wasted you VP to self vote your comment and I wasted my VP to remove the rewards. These are fair uses of the network.
Notice my post about changing flags to downvotes to "make downvotes great again"
You are barking up the wrong tree trying to belittle my decision by calling me a meanspirited bully. If that is what I am, then you are a sensitive, entitled person.
Lol! I barely know what pending payouts even are, nor do I care where to find them. You are waaay too attached to your power on this platform, and as a "witness" you should probably be a little more professional. All of your comments do have little condescending remarks and or insults, have you noticed?
This started with me saying haejin is making his followers millions (true statement), and you followed up with this insult to his followers:
Why comment at all? Just because you have surprised yourself with how much you yourself have made in the past few months, does it now mean that no one can match your investment "prowess", and you have to insult them? You really have no way of knowing who has what, and you were in fact incorrect in your assumption.
Elliott Waves works, but it takes experience- Haejin is sharing this experience for free, but there will always be negativity from unappreciating folks who dont like it.
Pretty Happy that this Flag-War ends... UPVOTE
I can't say I am happy at all with this.
One thing I am trying to stay positive about is obviously flagging does not work in this type of scenario. For all sides.
Maybe those who flagged or were super involved can work towards a better remedy. One that doesn't involve people crying, because this will happen again.
The one thing I will say though. I feel like everyone on both sides is just sticking their heads in the sand now.
I think any real solution would require a hard fork. I've said it elsewhere and I'll say it again, the current algorithm makes this kind of thing inevitable. It will happen again.
What remedy would have made you happy?
Agreed that the flagging in this type of scenario doesn't work to the community's benefit. At minimum flagging to reduce awards is misunderstood and/or poorly communicated.
People need to learn not to feel entitled to their "pending" payouts. The pending period is for network forces to take place, including flags
Flagging was exactly the right course of action
@berniesanders and @haejin what happens if there are rogue elements that continue to negative comment / spam / accuse / flag? Will you both be willing to flag them equally in a collaborative effort to stomp out the steemit drama?
#steemfest 3 is about to be a wowza!
We can't stop rogues but they will not be tolerated by either side, and they will only represent themselves so spread the word.
^ +1
@scarlet7 Disregard the comment. Responded. If @haejin would like to pitch his two cents, it would be equally appreciated.
Let me be clear, I do not "represent" anyone. I have asked those who I have seen make posts about the situation to refrain from doing so.
Whereas I am overly joyed with the agreement, this doesn't provide much confidence in my rather insignificant opinion. It wouldn't be difficult for a rogue account to make an attack on another rogue account trying to rekindle the feud in attempts to draw attention to themselves.
A pledge to squash the rogue elements from both you and @haejin would show that you two are willing to collaborate to ensure these nasty wars are a thing of 2017, not 2018.
Again, I by no means am trying to comment towards either of your credibility, merely concerned about the agreement's security.
Thanks for the expedited reply.
Well, you can't please everyone... We'll do what we can. There's not much more I can say.
Thank You, I am confident the agreement will last. Just call me paranoid, I am just freshly worried about the continued warfare. May the truce last forever.
Follow-Up: I noticed you took care of the rogue account I was concerned about, ozmaga. Keep up the good work.
I can't wait for #steemfest 3 too. Do you think @haejin is going to come?
Conclusion: There's always a way out for the "powerful".
I'm glad you all resolved this issue!
Now the community can prosper together!
Good News indeed.
But Just a Noob question: How changing the reward to 100% sp reduces the reward taken from the pool.
It doesn't. But it slows any exfiltration of money from the platform.
It actually won't. Powering down is incremental over three months. If you have a large enough pool of SP, you can just continuously power down pieces and sell the STEEM.
The only thing this does is reduce the post value while the price of SBD is high. Once the value of SBD is close to 1 USD again, 100% and 50/50 are exactly equivalent if a whale is looking to cash out post rewards.
Thank you!
I was looking for where someone said "was any stipulation made that the 100 powered up SP doesn't immediately get powered down and sold as Steem instead of Sold as SBD. So it takes 13 weeks to completely cash out a post instead of 7 days. This is still a private money printing press in action.
I'm not saying the war should go on, but damn.... If he's still taking 2% of the reward pool....
I dunno... Whatever. Bernie is smarter than me, so I gotta assume he knows what he's doing.
Because this is a person that we want to encourage to gain influence. Gee, that was brilliant.
Is this a decentralized agreement? For fucks sake what is wrong with you people.
They come to SteemIt and treat it like this, so we make him a nice deal to power up and have more influence in exchange for his one whale support posts.
Now you are supposed to be happy it is settled.
Your critical thinking has been impacted by your Greed and inability to think past what you are presented.
I will accept my flag gracefully as always.
No flags from me for just speaking out. I can see where you're coming from.
Let's keep in mind that every post by @haejin gets more views than just about anybody I can think of. The fact of value shifting to where the views are isn't in itself unfair. Also keep in mind that while @haejin proved to be a loaded gun he claims his actions were in self defense. Agree or not at least he's now in accordance with a peaceful resolution.
I have posts from @haejin showing up in the google feed on my phone. That's influence, and it could bring a lot of people into Steem.
It is less about influence and more about flooding the trending page on a top ranked Alexa website
Well it influenced my google feed...
I see your point, though.
I will refrain from spamming and negative campaigning.
The first time he attacks me, I withdraw my concession.
How long will this last and who is holding both parties accountable?
Reading this has really made me smile, I'm glad we can all move on, for the sake of Steemit.
I know this can't be compared to world peace, but in a way i feel like it is.
To whoever took the first step forward... thank you.
Feel Good positivity. Thank YOU :)
Nice to see things are solved.....Would be happy to be upvoted by some people so i got my level back also.
I gave one positive comment on Haejin and got hammered down :-/
That wasnt the best introduction to steemit!
Best of luck all of you!
You got mine
Thank you my friend!
Good work bernie, happy to give you an upvote.
Great work throughout this mess trying to calmly explain haejin's position, and your own opinions despite the downvotes and flame wars directed toward you.
Thanks man, wish you the best
Thank you both for working together. It was ugly but in a way it's reassuring to see that this conflict was halted for the sake of building a better community.@berniesanders @haejin I couldn't be more pleased that a resolution has come forth.
I am very glad that this dispute is resumed as it was not good for the community. I think both parties raised some valid points, maybe this will help to further develop the community going forward.
This is a great sign for the Steem comunity as a whole. Thank you everyone involved for working this out! :)
4 posts in an hour... $500 average... I feel he is still taking advantage of Us.
Great! Even though I also don't agree with the height of @haejins reward's all the times, he at least seems to be entertaining and helping some people!
However there are accounts which really just are making a lot of money by pure spam/plagiarism/... which are a bigger problem in my eyes.
gg wp
I like this :)
actually, bernie sanders is a character that does balance and checks on steemit. Thumbs up for this decision! we may have doubts about bernie recently but this time it is a good settlement.
All is well and good with the world now that @berniesanders and @haejin have made up, thank you for the wonderful commentary all through out the arguments that you have but to be honest it was one of the few things making me and anyone else I have spoken to about the platform question moving away from the community, thanks for moving on.
When you are arguing about daisies, steemit is facing a big problem. I think you should change some things instead. Please join the debate about steemit future and tell me your solution for this.
Excellent! Congratulations on the compromise. Thank you!
Great news! The SteemPower can be put to 100% positive uses now. Good job guys!
So this is a cease fire then
First upvote I've ever given to Bernie!
Awesome! Back to business as usual?
Wonderful to hear!
thank god for that. no more bs please, just solid TA!
Very good to hear. Glad to know communication resolved this and an agreement could be reached.
Thank You
Wow, that's fantastic! - I'm glad you're as persistent as you are bernie. Without you, this would probably never have happened. Even though others have helped, none of this would've happened if you didn't exist. - At least not at this point.
I'm glad you managed to pull this off and I'm glad things will go back to normal again.
Given Steem’s rising price and the attention that price will bring this couldn’t have come at a better time. Glad this is, hopefully, behind us.
Nice to see some kind of agreement have been reached in this matter... Keep the good work! :)
Awesome so glad to hear this! Working together to help the whole Steemit Community continue to grow together and prosper ALRIGHT ALRIGHT ALRIGHT!
Great news for the community. Not just people, two entire communities are coming together and showing that Steemit is a place where dialogue wins and wars destroy everything.
Since you've forgotten to decline payout, burn some to "ilyastarar" account may be. I have use cases based on charitable donations. Won't hurt Steemit so much perhaps.
Thanks for this good news. It will restore a lot of faith I am sure.
Thank goodness. I am only on this platform for Haejin. Not being into social media I was actually interested in the platform by this fued. Have since come to hate it. Perhaps that can heal and move on...doubt it but this is a start. Good to see adults acting like adults even on the internet.
Lets save the flagging for a capture the flag match online 😛 .... or offline at a Steemit meet up somewhere.
Playing aside glad to see that there is an agreement that has reached. 🙃 Last time I saw @berniesanders rep so low was before everyone started #feelingthebern lol
Glad you guys can come to a consensus. Lets grow together :)! This is such a huge impact on the world. @berniesanders
This is a big win for everyone that invests their time and money into this platform. Thank you for looking out!
Thank you @berniesanders, I see your devilish set of horns hold up a halo😇😈
Thanks for letting cool heads prevail guys...this is what i thought Steemit was all about..compromising and treating each other with respect..cheers
I wonder how it all when down....

This is great for the community :) Best wishes to all.
Think of the craziest negotiations ever, and tone it down by about 75 notches.
Good to hear :) This is great place to be. Steem on.
So someone got stabbed?
No one else was in the room where it happened... The room where it happened... The room where it happened...