Fortnite Mobile Apk Android Download.
and this so today was a pretty interesting day on the internet because we got to watch an entire streaming community pretend to be excited about a game that is, in my opinion, the equivalent of being waterboarded ladies and gentlemen I bring to you Fortnite Android Mobile also depending when you're watching this happy early late or st. Patrick's Day jackets coming off for this Fortnite Apk this week I specifically told myself I'm gonna make two nice positive Fortnite Apks that was before they're released for Nate for iPhone no on the good side I'm uploading three Fortnite Apks this week but this is probably not gonna be the most positive Fortnite Apk you can't tell by the tone that I've already set on this one ah not really a fan now before we do go full roast mode there's a few things I want to get out of the way I honestly think it's great that they brought Fortnite Android to mobile there is a huge percentage of people who are four-night fans that watch streamers that watch Fortnite Apks like me that don't have access to Fortnite Android maybe you don't have the PC maybe you don't have an Xbox or Playstation it doesn't matter now because now that group of people can play for tonight and to that group of people I mean no offense on this Fortnite Apk I think it's awesome that you can finally play an amazing game like Fortnite Android that being said I feel kind of bad for you because the mobile version is just obviously never going to be as good as on console or or PC that being said though at the end of the day I do think it's awesome that people that didn't have access to Fortnite Android can now play it but this Fortnite Apk is gonna be geared a little bit differently we're gonna be looking at this objectively objectively compared to what I I think it's safe to say it is real Fortnite Android's oh my god for those of you that want a little bit more mobile game playing just to you know really feel what this game is all about here you go yeah then the thing with four-night mobile is it's going to be targeting to a market segments the first obviously being people that just do not have access to Fortnite Android in any other way have at it have fun that's great the other market segments are people on PlayStation Xbox and PC that do not currently have that console or computer next to them at the time already play Fortnite Android but just are currently on the go listen I'm just gonna give you a real pro tip here don't download it for night is in my opinion one of the greatest games and most fun games ever created and to know that level of enjoyment and then to try it out on on mobile is just gonna hurt your feelings it really is that bad it is absolutely miserable and I've said that a lot so let's get into what actually makes this just so much worse now the first and obviously most important thing are the controls I have played multiple battle royale games I even did a sponsored Fortnite Apk for rules of survival on my channel but I can honestly say that the Fortnite Android controller or or I guess touchpad setup is is better than any other battle royale out there it's pretty much the same as other battle Royales but they've got to add a difficulty of building and I think they did a really good job at maximizing what you can do for a phone that being said if you have ever played Fortnite Android with a controller or for the love of God with a keyboard and mouse this game is going to hurt your feelings the controls are so bad that in my experience no one no one bildt's it's more so pub G or Fortnite Android without building the thing with building is it's so slow that by the time you can really get anything built people can just shoot it doesn't really work I'm sure over the following months that's gonna change but as of now building is just not great aiming feels terrible I've never even really sure if I'm hitting the person or not but that being said the auto aim feature is really nice and I do honestly believe that epic games could not have done a better job with what they were working with the potential for any shooter on a phone is pretty much capped at like a 3 out of 10 and this is pretty much a three out of ten and that's honestly the biggest issue for Fortnite Android on the phone this thing that makes such a big skill gap in for Knight is the ability to build fast to aim really well and make like long accurate shots and this is coming from someone that before I had played Fortnite Android I had never in my life played keyboard and mouse I saw the Fortnite Android as a game where you really want to be playing on PC if you can and to just go down to the level of this it really doesn't work another huge issue is lag this is probably gonna be fixed within the few coming months but as of now I mean it is it is pretty bad there are some times where you're getting a solid 1 FPS and I I don't exaggerate it it might be half a frame per second or 1 frame every 2 seconds obviously the graphics are subpar and I say that again the sense of if you've ever played on PC or console it's going to be a huge step down Oh what else we have on our list killing people is not very rewarding it just doesn't seem as it's skill-based for me when I was running around I just I felt like I didn't know what I was doing and it's like yeah I killed them but it wasn't really so much skill as that guy was just even worse than me and the last thing we have on this list is it's your soul yeah it really when I was playing this I I just felt physically bad and it all it did is make me want to go play on on PC but that being said it's not all bad I mean at least now you can play Fortnite Android while you poop jokes on us though cuz Ali has been pulling that move for months now anyways though at the end of the day if this is the anyway you have access to four night go at it man have a lot of fun with it I encourage you to play join the community the more people playing this game the better and and that is totally fine but I just can't see anyone enjoying this game if they know what the true Fortnite Android feels and looks like especially if you have constant access to it like honestly if you play a console or PC and you are that into Fortnite Android that you you need to play on your phone while you're out in a boat I think you should reconsider your life there are so many better things you could be doing with your time than playing Fortnite Android on your iPhone you take a walk through nature okay you could be talking to girls you could be I don't know at school actually paying attention yeah I'm looking at you I think for tonight mobile is about to ruin the GPA of every middle school in America but that being said that is just my opinion and I am ready for the slew of dislikes that are about to come my way if you can at least see my argument or you even maybe enjoyed the Fortnite Apk I would really appreciate a like cuz god knows I'm gonna need them anyways I'll leave you guys with this I thought about making this Fortnite Apk just super short but I didn't really think it was that good so I'm gonna throw it in at the end here top 5 things I would rather do than play Fortnite Android on mobile number 5 land out whaling woods for the rest of my life honestly I think you're gonna have as much fun at whaling woods then you would have in the entirety of the mobile map I could probably stay at whaling for the entirety of my life and have a better experience than mobile Fortnite Android number 4 lefty flip for the PlayStation 4 this is just a setting on PlayStation 4 that is really hard to use and would make your poor night experience not very good if you weren't used to it and I'm using it as a hyperbole to show that having a very bad experience on ps4 is okay you get the joke number 3 run nothing but silenced SMG for the rest of my life similar to wailing woods but instead of actually getting good guns I would be limited to pretty much the worst in the game honestly I might go a step further and take back the old normal SMG and just run that forever coming in at number 2 on our list of things I would rather do than play Fortnite Android for mobile play Fortnite Android on Xbox one and that is just barely poop that is whoo but for real though I'm just kidding Xbox one people I love you all so please Microsoft sort yourself out I want to be able to play with my xbox one friends Beleza gentle becoming it at our number one spot things I would rather do then Playmobil Fortnite Android never play Fortnite Android again yeah it really is that bat anyway so I thought that was a little bit aggressive so I wanted to kind of make an all-round Fortnite Apk to highlight some good things about it some bad things about it and yeah that's that's what we came up with so if you guys enjoyed the Fortnite Apk again please feel free to leave a like thank you very much for watching subscribe to channel if you're new I'll talk to you later peace out freakin nuts [Music]
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