These little grasshoppers are grasshoppers that live in the grasses that are very cleverly tucked between the leaves, the grasshoppers are small and the body is very hard and the color is black, these animals breed by laying, long process considering the many predators that hunt grasshoppers so this locust is now a little bit once the population is supplemented by the farmer's spraying.
ware grasshoppers
Farmers consider these grasshoppers as pests for young plants, because these grasshoppers are very fond of the shoots of young plants, farmers often use the pesticides to kill these animals, so we expect the government to make a poisonous environmental perticida medicine.
Thus explanation about the population of grasshoppers, stemians of every animal there is a benefit for humans live we manage animals whether these animals are large or small atou all mamfaatnya.
To happen pests for farmers let us tackle with a natural environmentally friendly way.
Thank you and from @ gourdon
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