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RE: we are diamond dogs

in #foxhound7 years ago (edited)

i think we all love metal ghear

but i think i have pretty much figured out that you are @tetsuo and @hitrecord and so many other users! its fine man i am not gonna tel anyone, i just think its funny, and u should talk with @noganoo about multiple account bot nets, u can do some fun stuff with a whoel network of bots!

Also I know that you wanted to make some money back with ur minnowbooster rentals, and u dont wana look likeur just upvoting all ur own stuff so u created some "extra" accounts so you could upvote yuourself hah, its fine i am impressed and i appreciate the effort and no harm no foul, once i started to see the amount of work you put into your system I gained respect for you, but i also see my past self in you, you obviously are afraid that you wont be able to make money the organic way after probobly not having much luck, so youre trying to see if you can set up multiple accounts so you can upvote your own piots after using minnowbooster, but let me tel u, there is very little profiot renting steempower man! you are better off just buying steempower with that steem u spent on minnowbooster to get all those accounts u have with the high steempower!

but hey I see all that delegated steempower and i want you to kknow how many followers you can earn by upvoting promising new users and dolphins even whales, upvote comments on trending posts that are good and upvote good posts and leave commenst making sure they know that the $5 or so whatever was from you, and you will earn a LOt of followers!

and hah you should have sent your steem to poloniex first then mixed it and sent it to your new accounts via poloniex,m haha NO ONE just sends other new steemit users $300 just because they "like their artwork" hahaha its all good bro, just dont try to hide it, its all out in the open and its obviouys what you sent all those 10 steem to anonsteem for, to create all ur new accounts hah

like i said its all good, i dont care, just dont flag my comments when i give criticism! just take my critciism and rtealize i have been here a while and i just wana see higher quality posts thats al! just add a lil more text when u post images and videos because it makes them seem more authentic! if peopel start seeing bullshit getting high rewardstheyll question it and whales will start flagging it and you will run into problems eventually! you will have a better time just creating posts on ur extra accounts that have a LIL more personal info some more words and details some images etc just make em look like the top ostys on trendng, that kind of format, just add a lil text from yourself thats all!

Anyway lol it must be a pain to have to login to all those accounts! u should just stick to one because it doesnt help you to have multiple accounts with no steempower in them, you wont make any extra money with extra accounts and the extra comments you can create for yourself on your posts might help since its syntehtic comments but the comments wont really do muich, it usually doesnt help, and the title and content has to be actually good for people to wanna comment

i just dont kno why you dont believe in yourself enough to just play the game like its supposed to be played? WHy all the extra accounts with anonsteem? Whats the point? Why not just focus on one account and build up all the steempower there? Post everyday and i will help u bro!

I will help u gropw and if u can post everyday and show you have real skill and or drive or just OPTIMISM and hard woprk everyday, i will resteem u and i will follow u, and i will showu all to my 3000 follows but u haveto actually get into the steemit ideas of decentralizatioona nd help create local los angeles steemit groups and get to know all the whales and be vetted and then u can start making $100 to $1000 a day just from posting and curations and comments IF you want.....

i can help you.... obviously im notr the onlyt one who can do this for you, others can and you coudl always help yourself but i was luckly and you can learn a lot from me about what can help you suceed hjere and i promise you, if you use all that steempower u rented to upvote some great quality posts in the "new' sectiona nd sift through it to find good posts, then you will start gaining a LOT of followers!


because foxhound is a corporation that is managing the accounts of all of our artists. please stop stalking our activity and making assumption about what our intentions here. this is a final warning, you will be flagged next.