In his defence, as his comment was a legitimate question and a valid one :
I would be a little bit more moderate about the impossibility to create crypto-assets whenever the fuck they want. You just have to look at gold : it seemed impossible to create it ex nihilo and then they invented "Paper Gold" and there's now more Paper Gold than physical gold in circulation, and it's the paper's price that determines the physical gold price, not the opposite.
The same will happen to Bitcoin without any doubt. You won't be able to create it, but the Kabbal will with futures and derivatives (it already began by the way).
And for the upcoming regulation, we're French, don't forget it, we love laws if they can protect the oppressed :D But for now, the only one that passed concerning crypto-assets (yesterday) is to decrease the taxes on the profits generated by buying / selling crypto-assets, showing clearly that crypto is already infiltrated by the already-in-place banking cartel.
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Lol your little speech about derivatives, nicely said !
Personally, I don't care about much, so crypto, fiat, shit, anything, I don't care, other questions interest me, not these ones. But I'm just trying to give some food for thought.
What interests me is secret societies and secret knowledge. Our world is doomed anyway. I think we're alike.