As i stated before, we are going to use that technique called "paralaxx" to give some multi layered depth and animation to the background "and" foreground, we will have 4 (or more) layers moving at different speeds.
Comme je l'ai déjà dit, nous allons utiliser cette technique appelée "paralaxx" pour donner de la profondeur et de l'animation à l'arrière-plan "et" au premier plan, nous aurons 4 (ou plus) couches se déplaçant à des vitesses différentes.
Here are some progress on the assets (from early stages of building it to where i am now)
Voilà la progression jusqu'a ce jour sur les éléments artistiques du premier stage :
( J'ai maintenant ajouté un ou deux autres calques d'arbres à l'arrière-plan, je vais essayer de faire un test de rendu vidéo de la façon dont il devrait s'afficher en action / en jeu et le posterait plus tard )
( I now added one or two more layers of trees to the background, i will try to make a test render video of how it should look in action / in game )
En couches successives, nous aurons les rocher et la terre sur la première couche / premier plan. on a également un calque de "marche" du personnage, sur lequel se retrouvera les éléments plus fixes, plus directs en mouvement. Les différents calques d'arbres et décors en arrière plan bougeront tous à des vitesses de plus en plus lentes en fonction de leur éloignement par rapport à la caméra / premier plan.
As stated before, we'll have the rocks / mud on the first layer / foreground on top of the "walking" layer for the character, we'll have it moving at a slower speed than the walking layer of course ( while the walking / character layer moves at a normal speed, following character moves ) there will be trees on a layer behind the walking layer, that moves at the same speed as the walking layer, then, we'll have a third layer of a first row of trees, that moves in paralaxx, with a different speed than everything else, a fourth layer of trees, and finally, the far far background at a very , very slow speed.
Donc, c'est ce à quoi ressemblaient les calques lors d'un précédent test :
So here was how the layers looked in the previous shot / test :
Et ici, le nombre de calques que nous avons maintenant :
And now that's where we're at with more layers added :
J'uploade actuellement une video sur Dtube mais vu que ça ne se passe pas bien je vais devoir utiliser youtube, super... moi qui préférais utiliser des sites ALT TECH (alternatives au mainstream comme youtube) je suis un peeeetit peu déçu de la qualité d'upload de Dtube qui ne fonctionne qu'une fois sur 10, je dois m'y reprendre beaucoup, à beaucoup de tentatives pour uploader une simple vidéo...
I am currently uploading a video on Dtube but since it does not go well I will have to use youtube, great ... me who preferred to use ALT TECH sites (alternatives to the mainstream like youtube) I am a peeeetit little disappointed with the Dtube upload quality that works only once in 10, I have to go back a lot, to many attempts to upload a simple video ... It's a little bit disappointing guys !! (shouts at Dtube) I really want to use your platform but from my country / europe / belgium it allways gives me a hard time, it's why i give up most of the time, you know, it's not from bad faith because i really really attempt a lot of time to upload.
Can't wait for that video upload, how many layers are you going to add ? how many layers are possible to add for adding depth and effect on a 2D game like this ? Wow... Keep up the good work man you sure are a beast of work you allways work everyday do you never stop ?
I'm not sure, it will depend only about what Steem python is able to handle without lagging on low end computers too, but 2D assets shouldn't be too much of a problem even on old hardware.
yes, u are the best