I laugh at your formatted steemian talk. When I say I'm not just anyone, it means I'm an advanced steem user. I know the system by heart. I contributed to the development of steem applications that you used and still use today without knowing that I am behind.
So I'm telling you, if I'm still here, it's only for you trolls. It makes me laugh to see you find justifications for each of my attacks. And laughing is good for your health.
When you talk, it really sounds like members of a cult trying to make excuses for themselves. While the person opposite doesn't care at all.
Anger as you say, I feel it with each of your answers. I don't have any anger, it's been a long time since I stopped giving Steem my time, so I'm appeased ;-) !
You want to get rid of me by telling me about your life, but we're all different. As long as I'm having fun, I'm not like you to want to beg for a play at all costs.
I don't mind if you stay or go. :) Enjoy
God bless you :-) !
and you.