Dear Steemiens,
You probably have never heard about me, except if you are belonging to the French Community. But, wait. Don't leave. I need your help (like a 100% upvote, once and forever ;-)) and I might help you too !
I started my blog on 3th of June. This is my introduction post in english if you are curious about who I am. So yes, I 've two blog. A personnal one to blog about lifestyle - in fact, Money, Travel and Entrepreuneurship (as I had already a blog and a youtube channel. And a second one @roxane where I blog only about Steem.
In fact, I started to blog (not on Steem) after loosing my job. I was sick and couldn't go to work for almost a year. So, from my bed, I started to blog... then when I felt better I started Youtube. And now I feel better (and as I am still jobless), I found Steem and I am totaly dedicated to it. In fact, I love the idea of how the blockchain & crypto can change the world. It gives me hope !
Dedicated to Steem, really ?
I came on Steem to blog about Travel, Money and Entrepreneurship.
But wait. Where are the french speaking people on Steem ?!
And do you know that french is one of the most speaking language in the world ? 274 millions of french speaking persons. French is the 5th language spoken in the world.
There were already few french people on Steem yes. But writing in english ! And for the newcomers? They would leave directly because of the english plateform associated to theses stranges words blockchain, crypto, and the little rewards.
This is how look the French community on Steem... The 5th Language spoken in the world, remember?
So... I couldn't find the french community, so no one to read my blog about Money, Entrepreuneurship or Travel... No ones !
So, I started to explain Steem to the news users, so they would not leave. And this is what happend. The french community started to grow and grow everyday. And started to be really involve, daily, in Steem.
And this is the evolution... Statistics a month ago.
And statistics today.
Yes, we are finaly growing... And why are the french people staying here, do you think ?
I can say today that I am part of the french revolution of steem.
It has not been easy. I have publish at least a video+an article per day to explain how Steem works in french for more than 90 days.
Why do I want to go to Steemfest ?
I will not expand myself (again) about the why.
But what you need to remember :
- Meet the Steem Community In real Life;
- Meet my Steem-Friends from all over the world In Real Life;
- Have fun;
- Develop my network (and see how we can dream and co-create the futur of Steem together) This is the really important point !;
- Do the interviews face to face (and not skype by skype) of the frenchs steemiens who are rocking Steem (Yes, @heimindanger or @ekitcho are french)!
- & Have a selfie with @ned.
Theses articles I 've written previously for severals contests are explaning in details the why I want (so badly) to go.
- The first contest, I participated two months ago. There are also theses two articles 1, 2.
- The second was for @stellabelle. The text she asked for. And the video.
- The third and last was for @firepower. Who, by the way, is really cool and will already help me with the costs !
I would not be asking you anything if I would have win one of theses contests. But now, we are running out of time. And this is my last chance to go - and for you to have me ;-) !
Why you should support me to go there ?
Because I am dedicated to Steem, I try to give the best of me everyday for the plateform (disregarding the rewards I got... most of the time fews SBD, sometimes much more lucky!)
In fact, not being in Steemfest means that I am not part of it. I mean... as a co-creator of Steem.
For sure, there are many bloggers (about travel, money or entreprenorship for example who will not attend Steemfest. They publish on Steem, they are read, and that's enought).
But its not enought for me. I am creating the FR community everyday since I joined the plateforme. My place is at Steemfest. But do you remember, I am still jobless. So, even if I really really want to go. I am still missing something : money.
And you want me to continue to increase the french community ! More people, more valuable the steem will be. More power for you.
What are the contributions I have made to the french community ?
- Every day, I post something explaining Steem. In a video or in a post. I explain the terms, the tools, the platform, the Etiquette, β¦ and much more !
- I've set up a website helped called (Which mean Understand Steem). This is a collaborative website that indexes all the useful french content to start on Steem, and where people can submit articles that will help news french steemiens.
- I am an active member of the @francosteemvotes which is our french curation account.
- I am active in our chat on Discord for the newcomers and the friendly community.
- I am active to keep steem clean (no spammy post in the french community!).
- I am an active steem recrutor/advertiser.
- Starting today, I have been choosen by @acidyo to become an OCD curator for french content.
How much do I need ?
- Minnowticket (200euros);
- Plane ticket - from 31 to 7 of November, otherwise the price is just tooooo high! (250euros for a return. Coming by bus is the same price ;-) I've check!).
- Very cheap airbnb accomodation (300euros) somewhere in Lisboa (around 30min walk to the HF).
- Food etc. (100euros).
So, would you please give me a 100% Upvote if you think I deserve to be present at Steemfest2 considering all the work I do every day for Steem and it's french community ? And if you have powerfull friends on Steem, just let them now about me (or resteem the post !).
Thanks in advance, Roxane
If you speak french, join me on my profil @roxane to have more information about How to share quality content on Steem and others tips. And have a look at π!
You will find everything you need to start on Steem : the FAQ, videos, tutos, tools etc.
And if speak english, you can follow me on my personal profil @malik.roxane where I talk about Money, Travel & Entrepreuneurship (sometimes in english) !
π Please, resteem this post if you want me to join SteemFest2
Check your wallet for SBD transfer! Have fun at SteemFest 2017!
Reply to this comment for another upvote!
I wish you the best in growing SteemIt's #fr community!
Have a great weekend!
Steem on,
Wow Mike! That's awsome ! Many many thanks for you !
Will you be there too ???
No, I will not be there. But you will be!
I will re-steem your post!
Steem on,
I am sure I will be, I will do everything I can do ( even if I have to hitchike to it ;-)). But really... THANK YOU !
Thanks @etcmike for supporting roxane, she deserve that, I am Algerian and I am also from French community, this I why I am thankful also, merci @Roxane βΊ
@clixmoney ! Hello you !
THANK YOU so much for your support :-) Hope to meet you on Discord to talk in french !
French speakers people Powaa !!
give me your link in Discord, here is mine :
hey Roxane! See you @Steemfest! Please also check out the blogs from @t-r-f fund which is a generic distribution of wealth fund for attendees of SteemFest who apply for it when arriving in Lisbon and applying for it.
Everyone who applies get's paid a part of the pie according to the single trip distance!
Hello !!
Thanks you for the advice. In fact, I went to see this account two months ago already but it seems to be dead. No ?
Where do we have to apply ?
See you overthere and Thanks for the upvote!
no the account is just collecting the monnies.... see the for the current budget which will be distributed to anyone attending in Lisboa and wishes to take part of the pie.
Mais bien sur que l'on veut t'aider !
Un petit geste pour nous pour esperons un grand pas pour toi !
Avec un beau reportage ...
J'espdre que tu auras assez d'aides
Ohh @yann0975 ! Merci pour ton adorable message, je viens de le voir (après 5 jours! OUPS).
Je crois avoir reçu presque assez d'aide pour couvrir l'entièreté de mon voyage ! C'est magique ça ? Vive Steem !
Un reportage sans faute ! Et surtout ! je vous reprΓ©senterai lΓ -bas !
Upvoted! and I also sent you a little contribution to your wallet! Enjoy the steem fest!!
Thank you so much @jga I feel so loved :-)
You know what a sacrifice is? It is when you can't go to Steemfest but you do what you can to make it possible to make someone else go!
So that's what I am doing, by giving you a full upvote. Although it is tiny I will also upvote this comment to boost it for visibility, and request everyone to upvote this post at full voting power(Whales, do you hear me :-))
Bon Voyage!
PS - Post lots of pictures and videos when you're there, so that it can be useful for everyone who could not make it.
Hello @maxabit !
Thank you for your message! Just saw it now, sorry...
Just wanted to tell you thank you very much for your support ! Thank you thank you thank you !
I will do a beautiful reportage with video and pictures, I promise :-)
And hope you can make it next year!
My full support @roxane
Bonnes Chance! Je suis sure on c'est voit la!
I will resteem with my other @massivevibration profile because this post stands perfectly for #massivevibrations
Last year it was not easy for me to join steemfest in Amsterdam due to financial issues and a break-up, relocated from Bali where I lived for 16 years back to Europe but I did make it. I had the best time, meeting incredible people and had an even more amazing few days than I imagined. An unforgettable experience and memories.
This year it's even more difficult because I should not leave my 92 years old mother alone but I did find a good solution and will join with two of my school friends I try to convince that they should learn more about steemit and cryptocurrency.
Anyways! Can't wait to say hello and give you a big hug in Lisbon
Thank you so much for the upvote and the resteem !
I am feeling so lucky to have you all sending me so much #massivevibration :-)
I will see you there, for sure. I've been the article you made from last year... the pictures gave me more and more the will to go !
See you there !
I hope you get to STEEMfest, I'm not a French speaker but Steemit will be a richer and more diverse community having a French influence #vivalafrance #vivalasteemit
I hope too ! And believe me, french people are coming ;-)
We are going to rock Steem ;-)
Thank you for coming by and supporting me !
I gave my upvote. Steem on!!
Thank you very much @tomasgeorge !
You have my tiny little upvote and resteem! Exact same story here. Lost Job... discovered steemit... can't think of anything else. :D
And you are doing so great here ! Geek is the new sexy !
The entire french community love you @mkt !
"Geek is the new sexy" love this @malik.roxane
@patriciakm, isn't that true ? :D
Thank you! Very motivating! More to come... :)
I will upvote you for 100 % because I know from my son @exyle how important it is to be at Steemfest. He was there last year (Amsterdam), but because he lives in the Netherlands it wasn't a big journey. But he has also booked for Lisbon, because he also wants to be there, just like you.
I am also from the Netherlands and my husband and I live there 6 months a year. The other half of the year we live in Burgundy (the Morvan). We love living here in France.
I speak French, but not fluently, my English is better, so I write in English. But I can read French, so I will follow the French community. I had not heard of the French Community before, so thank you for letting me know.
I can't go this year, but maybe next year. I wish you good luck and hope that you will get the money to go to Lisbon!
Ohhh dear @clio !
You message is soooo great! Thank you so much for giving me theses words and support !
Sometimes, you don't know why you want to do something, but you know, you can feel that you have to do it (even if some people try to discourage you!).
You are lucky to live in France especialy the Morvan... Surrounded by trees and mountains ?! France is an amazing country! But by the way, I am from Belgium ! :-D But the french part ;-) In fact, I live in Brussels!
We are thinking of going to Lisbonne by car and do a Steem Road Trip :D So maybe if you are on our way we will come to visit you ! :D
Bonsoir et Γ trΓ¨s vite ! Et peut-Γͺtre Γ l'annΓ©e prochaine Γ Steemfest :-)
I know the feeling, so I say to you: Go to Lisbon, you will love it.
The Morvan is in the east of France, so not on your way, but maybe we will see each other next year at Steemfest.
I know Brussels, we live in Rotterdam half the year and Brussel is not so far away. It's a beautiful city, with lots of interesting musea.
Have a great time in Lisbon!
Post of the day.i upvote an resteem this post
Thank you very much !!!
If only I could vote multiple times... So I sent you a little help.
Ohh thanks for the tip !! <3
Thank you so much @evildido !
On vous apporte notre soutien !
Olalala... Γ§a rigole plus si les francosteemvotes commencent Γ me soutenir mΓͺme avec un article en anglais !
Je saute de joie !
Je vous aime très fort !
Tu es la Reine de steemit FR :) Merci d'exister
Merci d'exister ? CarrΓ©ment :-) Je pense que c'est la plus belle chose qu'on m'a dit sur Steem :)
Excellent!!! Roxane, tu es admirable!
Je resteem ton post... les petits ruisseaux font de grandes rivières.
I have to say you do deserve to be in at Steemfest2!!!
@cguib, merci infiniment pour le soutien !
You bet that I deserve to go there, I mus to there ;-)
I support @roxane candidature for joining SteemFest2. She has been very active in the french community helping many steemiens understand how steemit work with her video and post.
Hope yo meet you there @pnc ! It's with you in particular that I want to co-create the futur ! You ahve so much things to teach me about the Entrepreneurship & Steem Blockchain !
Here's your 100% upvote. I'm a small minnow though, but it's the thought that counts, right?
I wish you all the best with expanding the French Steem Community, it should be the perfect country for this platform, since I think France has always been leading in revolutions, right?
Hope to meet you in Lisbon!
PS you know teamsteem is French as well, right?
Γ bientΓ΄t, bien Γ toi et salut!
Any 100% upvote is a vote ! 0,01 or 10 or more... is a vote !
What is count is the support. The feeling of belonging to the community and see if what I do really matters... :-)
Thank you very much !
ps: yes I do know teamsteem ;-) I was feelinga bit alone when I arrived, so I had to connect with all the french I could find ! :-)
You cannot change the world alone. You have to work in team :-)
I hope too meet you in Lisboa too !
Your post upvoted by me and resteemed to my 1500 followers, I am happy that you are improving the community, me too I am advertizing steemit in French and here is the post and the video : Advertising Steemit it in French
I will wait your pictures from steemit fest. βΊ
Je te souhaite que tu va passer un bon temps la ba, je suis ravi de rencontrer de personne comme toi. :)
Je suis heureuse de te rencontrer aussi !
Je vais te suivre sur tout tes rΓ©seaux (Youtube etc :-)). A bientΓ΄t !!
Good luck and bon voyage βΊοΈ
:-) Much love @drakos, merci pour ton message.
I resteem and i vote ! good luck !
Merci mon cher ami !
Mon petit vote n'a mΓͺme pas donnΓ© un cent mais bon...le geste Γ©tait lΓ ...π
Ne t'inquiète pas, c'est le geste qui compte !
Et vos commentaires sont tellement prΓ©cieux !
As-tu regardΓ© la vidΓ©o sur "Les meilleurs amis sur Steem ? " :-) Je parle de toi ;)
Je viens de voir Γ§a!!
I'd love to meet you there! Please take my 100% vote :)
Will definitly be there ! Thanks for supporting me for the beginning !
I can only help by upvoting and resteeming. Hope you get the chance to go to Steemfest in Lisbon. Good luck!
Hope too ! Thank Putri!
Upvoted 100%, best of luck to you
I stand by you, @Roxane, in support to the #FR Community and your steemit passion. PS: My contribution will take three days to reach you, in the mean time I upvoted your excellent post and also resteemed it. #FR bises π
Merci Patricia ! Tu as du coeur... <3
:-) Amzing right ?
Full 100% and resteemed :-)
Ohh thank you !! :-)
Merci !! :-)
Merci !! :-)
Hope my upvote will help a bit :) Wish you good luck!

Everything help a lot ! :-)
Have a vote & I'll see you at SF2!
See you there !
100 % avec toi Roxane ^_^
Merci infiniment
Maybe Ill catch you over there... or.. HAVE FUN!
Here is some 100% Juice for you;)
Thank you so much !
And for sure, see you there !
#realsupport ;)
hey best of luck to you! :)
Thanks !
thnx sister β₯
Thank you too !
100% from @detlev
Thank you!
Bon voyage :)
Attend attend, j'suis pas encore partie ;-)
hope you make it, you got my vote and a resteem.

Roxane, good luck!
Hope to see you there!
Hope too :-)
Woo! Great job @roxane! Have fun at SteemFest2!
Thank you !!! :-) I am sure I will !
very inspiring and great blog. I just up voted you. and also followed you. I will be grateful if you do followed me. Have a very nice and great journey around the world.
Beautifull, great. Health @roxane
@roxane to the mooooooooooooooooon
:-) Tu crois ? Ca serait cool ;-) Croisez les doigts pour moi ! Je crois que je vais vraiment y aller !!!!!
Good luck and nice to know about this steemfest, :)
Hope you can join too !
Hope you can join too !
@roxane, a journey that is very mengimpirasi, continued success my friend
Best of luck to you and growing the French community!
Resteemed to 4k+ followers and upvoted heavier job done
Great work you deserb to be in a s
Thank you !
A vous aussi !
follow me = follow back
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@bitgeek, no that's cool as information :-)