Here is new 2D fractal I've made using Fractal Explorer 2.02. Some of these fractals I have also uploaded to Wikimedia commons.
Here is new 2D fractal I've made using Fractal Explorer 2.02. Some of these fractals I have also uploaded to Wikimedia commons.
I am downloading that program but I will assume it will take me some time to achieve this level of precision, your work is truly remarkable. I am currently trying to experiment with some programs, but I usually end up with some sort of a bungle lol
I love it
Quelle magnifique œuvre d'art!
C'est vous qui l'avez fait? Si oui vous un vrai artistes ÊTES;)
Moi aussi je fais de l'art (illustration), sur mon blog de si sa t'intéresse;)
Ravie de vous connaître :)
Je espère qu'on sera ami :-D
Bonjour journée ^ _ ^Bonjour @rndness222