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RE: How to Measure Consensus on Group Values

in #fractally3 years ago

Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.™

As long as people accept violence as a means to their ends, peace is not possible, only varying degrees of enslavement to those most willing to use violence.

When ideas are allowed to float to the top based on merit we will know peace.


Rule by force is a symptom of the masses collective desire to rule by force. We must move past end justifies the means thinking.

I'm with ya.
There are two books that seem to outline it much better than I can:

The Iron Heel explains why what we have is what we get in chapter 9.
If you can dispute the math in that chapter I am all ears.

Looking Backwards offers an optimization to what we currently have.

Personally, I like this short story: And Then There Were None for its direct approach to the problem, but if you check the publication dates of those you will see that having solutions already out there is no guarantee of their success.

They don't have to burn books when nobody reads them.™