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RE: The fractally 8!?!

in #fractally3 years ago

I clean your poop? Who owns me? WOo owns me.

WOo appears to me as a local/non-local manifestation of NEveryKing (Uncreated Authoritative Domain of Infinity) who takes ownership over NEveryThing (Created Temporal Domain of Manifestation). Some have used the Word Logos, Creator, God or Prime Mover to explain similarly.

This relationship is one best described as quantized fracticality for practicality. If you start from the assumption that we live in a holographic multiverse which appears to each of us as a universe, things make more sense.
You can identify unknown-unknowns that's like peeling back layers of a onion but what is really happening is a shifting of domains of consciousness through word play and language. Simply put we are all one yet we are all many. We are legion. I fear no evil but I use it like a tool as NEveryThing does :-o