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RE: Fractally White Paper Addendum 1

in #fractally3 years ago

Will there be an upcoming Genesis vote for the proposal in this blog post that is an all-or-nothing up-or-down vote by the Level 6 contributors from an upcoming weekly consensus meeting?

I think the answer is yes according to the Interim Group Consensus Process. Is that right?

Here is the relevant section from this blog post.

Reaching Consensus without a Council

While the Genesis Community is still developing we lack enough people to form 12 teams of 12 as envisioned by the ƒractally white paper, yet we still need the means to reach consensus for community-wide decisions. Our current process is ad-hoc and we can do better. So I propose the following interim process for making community-wide decisions:

  1. Before each weekly meeting any member who has previously ranked 5 or 6 for at least 3 weeks may introduce a proposal for consideration by the community. This proposal shall be posted as a link in the comment section of the hive post where we record the consensus results that week. Each qualifying member may only propose one item per week.

  2. After each weekly meeting (on the same video call), those who rank 6 may discuss the proposal, and if they approve they can reply to the comment with "Approve" or "Reject". If 2/3 of those who rank 6 that week approve then the proposal passes.

  3. If 2/3 of the Rank 6 fail to reach a consensus within 1 hour to either Approve or Reject then the Rank 6 individuals lose the respect they earned that week.

This is an interim process can serve until modified using the same process or the automated workflow on is ready.


Here is the answer to my question:

Yes, it will be all or nothing. Although, Dan could possibly be persuaded to make a last minute update before the official proposal. And of course, we can make changes and adjustments after the proposal is accepted (assuming it will be).