More Equal Animals: Political Playoffs - Chapter 6 (Unofficial Summary)
‘What if the skill of “good governance” was like skill in the game of chess?’ If consensus building was the primary skill of ‘good governance’ a tournament could identify the best candidates. A political playoff between small groups of 10 in each of 3141 US counties of around 50k people can determine leaders in just 2-3 rounds. Each county should maintain the right to secede.
Recalling Positions
Each representative could be recalled with a new consensus to remove bad actors or if the representative dies.
The Evolution of the United States
The US had a similar structure whereby the states selected Federal senators until the 17th amendment made the process a direct vote. Furthermore, Congressmen represented around 50k people before instead of the 650k+ today.
Low Tech Political Playoff Process
‘Any democratic process should be simple enough that any community can implement it without relying upon high-tech solutions.’
Communities with Less than 200 People
Set up 13 tables of 4 and select a representative for each table. Out of the top 13 you can either find consensus (9/13) or create another round to determine the top 3 and randomly select one of the reps.
Community of 1000 People
Get 100 groups of 10 and select representatives who reach 7/10 consensus.
Community of 10,000+ People
Create 10 precincts of 1000 and use the same process as 1000 people and then select the consensus leader of the precincts.
Community of 100,000+ People
Do the same with 100 precincts. It’s impossible to have people vote multiple times or dead people to vote because everyone participates in person.
High Tech Political Playoff
These methods can also be done using video and blockchain technology.
Consensus Takes Time
‘Consensus takes time and shouldn’t change frequently, especially for larger societies where changes impact more people.’ Laws should not change so rapidly so allowing the next congress to ratify laws after each 4 year cycle can achieve a proper check and balance.
Harnessing Pareto Power
The Pareto principle applies to Bitcoin and proof-of-work (POW) systems and selects those with technical skills and the cheapest electricity. Proof-of-stake (POS) systems selects the wealthy and the exchanges. A political playoffs could select those with more virtuous traits. ‘It may actually make sense to use games like chess, go, poker, spelling bees, Starcraft, or Battle- 76 Political Playoffs Bots.’
‘Many people advocate that we should let scientists and other “experts” tell us how to organize society.’ This system can still be corrupted because there are political motivations behind modern ‘science’, academics ‘will represent a hidden power structure‘, and specialists lack interdisciplinary knowledge.
Political Playoff Summary
Selecting leaders using a political playoffs of virtuous traits can lead to a true democracy without political parties, without campaigning, that is immune to rational ignorance and leverages the wisdom of crowds.